
EZ TALK 美語會話誌

人氣 6

EZTALK 好用句   Vocabulary

Jack is at work.
Rick: You OK, buddy? You look tired. Does your preggers wife have you at her beck and call?

Jack: How did you know? I can’t seem to please her. It’s 1)24/7.…

Rick: Just wait till the baby’s born. Your wife will seem 2)easygoing in 3)comparison.

Jack: Then I’m gonna be in over my head, for sure.

Rick: Have some 4)sympathy, though. You wouldn’t want to be 5)in her shoes. Her hormones are all 6)out of whack. Hang in there, man.

Jack: I’ll try—if she doesn’t hang me first.

Rick: Ha-ha. I know it’s tough. By the way, what did you get her?

瑞克: 老弟,你還好吧?看起來很累唷。你那懷孕的太太把你當奴才使喚對吧?

傑克: 你怎麼知道?我好像沒辦法讓她滿意。要隨時待命……。

瑞克: 耐心等到寶寶出生吧。你太太會比現在隨和得多。

傑克: 等到那時候我一定會忙死。

瑞克: 還是有點同理心吧。你不會想要跟她易地而處的,她的賀爾蒙完全失調。你撐著點囉。

傑克: 我盡量——前提是她沒先把我搞死。

瑞克: 哈哈。我知道這並不容易。對了,你送她什麼?

好用句 at one’s beck and call 隨時聽某人差遣,任人擺佈

beck 是「點頭,招手」這類叫人過來的動作。「我隨時樂意為你服務」可以說 (I’m) at your service. 而 at one’s beck and call 就是人家點個頭、招個手,就趕緊過去看要做什麼,也就是「任人擺佈」,因帶有負面意味,常與 not 連用。

A: Go get me a beer out of the fridge, will ya?


B: Hey, I’m not at your beck and call!



1) twenty-four seven (adv./a.) 全年無休(不打烊)

( 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 的縮寫)

It seems like Rick and his new girlfriend are together 24/7. 瑞克跟他的新女友似乎整天膩在一起。

2) easygoing (a.) 隨和的,不拘小節的

Australians are known for being easygoing and friendly. 澳洲人以隨和友善聞名。

3) comparison (n.) 比較,對照

In comparison with Americans, Asians eat less meat. 跟美國人比起來,亞洲人吃的肉比較少。

4) sympathy (n.) 同情心

I have no sympathy for people who break the law. 我毫不同情犯法的人。

5) in someone’s shoes (phr.) 處於某人的位置,設身處地

If I were in your shoes, I’d quit and find a new job. 如果我是你,我會辭職另謀高就。

6) out of whack (phr.) 失調,失常,故障

The suspension in my car is out of whack. 我這輛車的懸吊壞了。@

摘編自 《EZ TALK 美語會話誌www.ez-learning.com.tw》日月文化出版股份有限公司 提供
