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英國煎餅節賽跑 下議院大贏上議院

London, UNITED KINGDOM: Participants in the '2007 Parliamentary Pancake Race' undertake a practice session on College Green in aid of charity early Shrove Tuesday morning in central London, 20 February 2007. From left to right, Members of Parliament Daniel Kawczynski (L), Lindsay Hoyle (C) and Brian Iddon (R) took part in the race. The MP's won the race against a team from the House of Lords and the media. The race is in aid of charity and supports Rehab UK, a brain injury charity. AFP PHOTO/ADRIAN DENNIS 2007年,議員們在議會大廈前的維多利亞塔花園(Victoria Tower Garden)前投擲平鍋中的煎餅的歷史照片。( ADRIAN DENNIS/AFP/Getty Images)
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【大紀元2017年03月01日訊】 (大紀元記者穆子菡綜合報導)在議會開會時,他們相對而坐。今天,保守黨和工黨議員卻大結聯盟,並大敗上議院以及新聞人。到底是怎麼回事呢?

2月28日是英國傳統的煎餅節(Pancake Day)。英國議會的下議員、上議員以及新聞人組成三支隊伍,奔跑在議會大廈前的維多利亞塔花園(Victoria Tower Garden),共同完成議會煎餅節賽跑(Parliament Pancake Race),為Rehab殘疾人基金籌款 。最終結果是下議院議員組成的隊伍大獲全勝。

英國各大媒體紛紛報導了這一比賽「盛況」。 下議院隊伍的隊長,保守黨的體育部長Tracey Crouch在接受《鏡報》的採訪中笑談道:「我們打敗了記者們。」「當然了,我們今後還會保持紀錄,持續打敗上議院。」

前影子商務部長(Business Secretary)Clive Lewis也參加了本次煎餅賽跑。Clive Lewis在2月8日,因為拒絕投票通過政府的脫歐法案而辭職。

英國議會前的煎餅節賽跑是煎餅節中一年一度的傳統節目,今年已進行到第20年, 下面就看看議員們在賽場上的風姿吧!

 2007年,議員們在議會大廈前的維多利亞塔花園(Victoria Tower Garden)前投擲平鍋中的煎餅。( ADRIAN DENNIS/AFP/Getty Images)
2007年,議員們在議會大廈前的維多利亞塔花園(Victoria Tower Garden)前投擲平鍋中的煎餅的歷史照片( ADRIAN DENNIS/AFP/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 12: The annual Parliamentary Pancake Race takes place in front of the Houses of Parliament on Shrove Tuesday on February 12, 2013 in London, England. Now in it's 16th year, the annual Pancake Race, which raises money for the charity Rehab, sees teams of politicians and journalists racing in a circuit whilst tossing pancakes in frying pans. The team of MPs won this year's event. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
2013 參賽者在議會煎餅大賽中( Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
下議院隊伍的隊長,保守黨的體育部長Tracey Crouch(左一)( Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
下議院隊伍的隊長,保守黨的體育部長Tracey Crouch(左一)( Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

在東倫敦的創意區,一年一度的Great Spitalfields Pancake Race煎餅賽跑也如期舉行。人們盛裝出席,並為London’s Air Ambulance籌款。最終,四名青年獲得了本屆比賽的冠軍。他們的名字將會被刻在一隻銅的平底鍋底部,和往屆的冠軍一起被珍藏起來。

LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 28: A contestant dressed as a clown takes part in the annual pancake race in Spitalfields Market, February 28, 2006 in London, England. Participants are expected to don costumes and race a short sprint tossing a pancake as they go to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. (Photo by Marta Travesset/Getty Images)
Great Spitalfields Pancake Race 比賽中著盛裝的選手(Marta Travesset/Getty Images)

除了煎餅賽跑,英國人都用各種各樣的方式渡過煎餅節。連小貝都會在自家的廚房中製作煎餅,讓孩子們開心。《衛報》還公開徵集Pancake Day 這一天有創意的圖片。

責任編輯: 李景行
