威廉攜凱特出席禱告會 悼念倫敦恐襲死難者

人氣 70

【大紀元2017年04月07日訊】威廉王子、凱特王妃和哈里王子於4月5日在英國倫敦出席了威斯敏斯特大教堂(Westminster Abbey)的「希望」多宗教信仰禱告儀式,以紀念4位在3月22日在威斯敏斯特郡的國會大廈外發生的恐怖襲擊中不幸去世的遇難者。

除了威廉王子和凱特王妃、哈里王子之外,在襲擊事件中的倖存者、遇難者家屬以及緊急事務處的成員、以及英國內政部長盧德(Amber Rudd)和倫敦市長克汗(Sadiq Khan)也都出席了這次的禱告會。

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: Wreath and message placed by Prince William, Duke of Cambridge during the Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,英國倫敦威斯敏特大教堂舉行禱告會,為在3月22日的恐怖襲擊中不幸遇難的4名死者禱告。 (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster receives Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry as they arrive for the Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,英國倫敦威斯敏特大教堂主教霍爾迎接前來為死難者禱告的威廉王子夫婦及哈里王子。(Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry attend the Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,威廉王子、凱特王妃和哈里王子一同出席了當天在威斯敏特大教堂舉行的禱告會,為3月22日在恐怖襲擊中遇難的死者禱告。(Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan speaks during the Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Eddie Mulholland - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,威斯敏特大教堂舉行禱告會,為3月22日在恐怖襲擊中遇難的死者禱告。圖為倫敦市長可汗發表悼念詞。(Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge speaks during the Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Eddie Mulholland - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,威斯敏特大教堂舉行禱告會,為3月22日在恐怖襲擊中遇難的死者禱告。圖為威廉王子在現場向死難者家屬、倖存者等發表講話。(Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: The congregation arrive for Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,威斯敏特大教堂舉行禱告會,為3月22日在恐怖襲擊中遇難的死者禱告。圖為在恐怖襲擊中的倖存者抵達教堂。(Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: Melissa Cochran wife of Kurt Cochran who was killed in the attack attends the Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Eddie Mulholland - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,威斯敏特大教堂舉行禱告會,為3月22日在恐怖襲擊中遇難的死者禱告。圖為在恐怖襲擊中受傷的Melissa Cochran抵達教堂,她的丈夫Kurt Cochra卻在事件中不幸遇難。 (Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)
LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 05: First responders from the Metropolitan police attend Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey on April 5,2017 in London, United Kingdom. The multi-faith Service of Hope was held for the four people killed when Khalid Masood committed an act of terror in Westminster on Wednesday March 22. Survivors, bereaved families and members of the emergency services joined The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Harry, the Home Secretary, Amber Rudd and London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, in the congregation. (Photo by Eddie Mulholland - WPA Pool/Getty Images)
2017年4月5日,威斯敏特大教堂舉行禱告會,為3月22日在恐怖襲擊中遇難的死者禱告。圖為恐襲發生後首先抵達現場的警員在禱告會現場為死難者祈禱。( Eddie Mulholland – WPA Pool/Getty Images)


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