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波士頓警察局局長威廉·埃文斯(William Evans)表示,這27人因毆打和傷害警察的罪名而被捕。警方專員還說,有三人身穿防彈背心,其中一人有武裝。


BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Thousands of counter protesters marching to a planned 'Free Speech Rally' on Boston Common on August 19, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts. Thousands of demonstrators and counter-protestors are expected at Boston Common where the Boston Free Speech Rally is being held. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
週六(8月19日),波士頓爆發上萬人參加的反對種族主義行徑的遊行示威。(Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Counter protesters raise their fists before marching to a planned 'Free Speech Rally' on Boston Common on August 19, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts. Thousands of demonstrators and counter-protestors are expected at Boston Common where the Boston Free Speech Rally is being held. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
週六(8月19日),波士頓爆發上萬人參加的反對種族主義、反對仇恨的遊行示威。(Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Protesters face off with riot police escorting conservative activists following a march in Boston against a planned 'Free Speech Rally' just one week after the violent 'Unite the Right' rally in Virginia left one woman dead and dozens more injured on August 19, 2017 in Boston, United States. Although the rally organizers stress that they are not associated with any alt-right or white supremacist groups, the city of Boston and Police Commissioner William Evans are preparing for possible confrontations at the afternoon rally. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
週六(8月19日),波士頓爆發上萬人參加的反對種族主義、反對仇恨的遊行示威。(Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

這個集會是由七月組成的自稱「波士頓自由言論」的團體組織,該團體說,他們由「自由至上主義者、進步派、保守派和獨立人士」組成。組織者之一約翰·麥德拉(John Medlar)表示絕對譴責KKK、新納粹等,「所有這些合法的仇恨團體,我們與他們無關,我們不希望他們在這裡。」


BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Thousands of protesters march in Boston against a planned 'Free Speech Rally' just one week after the violent 'Unite the Right' rally in Virginia left one woman dead and dozens more injured on August 19, 2017 in Boston, United States. Although the rally organizers stress that they are not associated with any alt-right or white supremacist groups, the city of Boston and Police Commissioner William Evans are preparing for possible confrontations at the afternoon rally. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
週六,成千上萬的左派人士在波士頓市區遊行,示威者高舉著寫著「納粹滾回家去」「這裡容納不下仇恨」等牌子,反對計劃中的一場名叫「自由言論」旗號的極右翼集會。(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Thousands of protesters prepare to march in Boston against a planned 'Free Speech Rally' just one week after the violent 'Unite the Right' rally in Virginia left one woman dead and dozens more injured on August 19, 2017 in Boston, United States. Although the rally organizers stress that they are not associated with any alt-right or white supremacist groups, the city of Boston and Police Commissioner William Evans are preparing for possible confrontations at the afternoon rally. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
週六,成千上萬的左派人士在波士頓市區遊行,示威者高舉著寫著「納粹滾回家去」「這裡容納不下仇恨」等牌子,反對計劃中的一場名叫「自由言論」旗號的極右翼集會。(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Thousands of protesters prepare to march in Boston against a planned 'Free Speech Rally' just one week after the violent 'Unite the Right' rally in Virginia left one woman dead and dozens more injured on August 19, 2017 in Boston, United States. Although the rally organizers stress that they are not associated with any alt-right or white supremacist groups, the city of Boston and Police Commissioner William Evans are preparing for possible confrontations at the afternoon rally. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
週六,成千上萬的左派人士在波士頓市區遊行,示威者高舉著寫著「納粹滾回家去」「這裡容納不下仇恨」等牌子,反對計劃中的一場名叫「自由言論」旗號的極右翼集會。(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)



BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Protesters face off with riot police escorting conservative activists following a march in Boston against a planned 'Free Speech Rally' just one week after the violent 'Unite the Right' rally in Virginia left one woman dead and dozens more injured on August 19, 2017 in Boston, United States. Although the rally organizers stress that they are not associated with any alt-right or white supremacist groups, the city of Boston and Police Commissioner William Evans are preparing for possible confrontations at the afternoon rally. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
週六(8月19日),波士頓爆發上萬人參加的反對種族主義、反對仇恨的遊行示威,有民眾與警察發生衝突,但沒有人受傷。(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Protesters face off with riot police escorting conservative activists following a march in Boston against a planned 'Free Speech Rally' just one week after the violent 'Unite the Right' rally in Virginia left one woman dead and dozens more injured on August 19, 2017 in Boston, United States. Although the rally organizers stress that they are not associated with any alt-right or white supremacist groups, the city of Boston and Police Commissioner William Evans are preparing for possible confrontations at the afternoon rally. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
週六(8月19日),波士頓爆發上萬人參加的反對種族主義、反對仇恨的遊行示威,有民眾與警察發生衝突,但沒有人受傷。(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)




BOSTON, MA - AUGUST 19: Thousands of counter protesters march to a planned 'Free Speech Rally' on Boston Common on August 19, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts. Thousands of demonstrators and counter-protestors are expected at Boston Common where the Boston Free Speech Rally is being held. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)
週六(8月19日),波士頓爆發上萬人參加的反對種族主義行徑的遊行示威。(Scott Eisen/Getty Images)


消除種族主義 南卡州長將撤邦聯旗
發表種族主義言論 川普競選顧問被解僱
被指種族主義  普大學生要求除名威爾遜
弗州集會暴力衝突 川普:不應僅歸責一方