組圖:喬布斯最後夢想 蘋果新園區首次亮相

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【大紀元2017年09月13日訊】(大紀元記者夏雨綜合報導)蘋果公司創始人史蒂夫.喬布斯(Steve Jobs,又稱賈伯斯)一生最後一大願景和夢想在9月12日得以實現。在iPhone問世10周年之際,蘋果公司在其新園區Apple Park舉行新品發布會,推出備受矚目的十年特別款iPhone X。

這是蘋果公司首次在加州庫布蒂諾(Cupertino)市的全新蘋果園區Apple Park召開新聞發布會,具體地點在新園區的喬布斯劇場。

Apple Park從太空看是一個環形建築,宛若一架宇宙飛船,喬布斯當年規劃建築新園區的目的,是希望未來的蘋果員工得以在被大自然包圍的環境下,充滿激情地開發出下一代技術。

蘋果現任首席執行官蒂姆.庫克(Tim Cook)表示:「蘋果園已經建成,也反映出蘋果的技術和環境價值。」

CUPERTINO, CA - APRIL 28: An aerial view of the new Apple headquarters on April 28, 2017 in Cupertino, California. Apple's new 'spaceship' 175-acre campus dubbed "Apple Park" is nearing completion and is set to begin moving in Apple employees. The new headquarters, designed by Lord Norman Foster and costing roughly $5 billion, will house 13,000 employees in over 2.8 million square feet of office space and will have nearly 80 acres of parking to accommodate 11,000 cars. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
蘋果新園區。(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
CUPERTINO, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: A view of the Steve Jobs Theatre at Apple Park on September 12, 2017 in Cupertino, California. Apple is holding their first special event at the new Apple Park campus where they are expected to unveil a new iPhone. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
喬布斯劇院。 (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
蘋果新園區。(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
蘋果新園區。(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)


庫克發表演講的地方是史蒂夫.喬布斯劇院(Steve Jobs Theatre),坐落在距離Apple Park幾百米遠的一個小山坡上,這是內部最高點之一。如果站在劇院裡面往外看,山地周圍的景象將一覽無餘。



CUPERTINO, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: Attendees enter the Steve Jobs Theatre for a special event at Apple Park on September 12, 2017 in Cupertino, California. Apple is holding their first special event at the new Apple Park campus where they are expected to unveil a new iPhone. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
喬布斯劇院內部。(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
CUPERTINO, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during an Apple special event at the Steve Jobs Theatre on the Apple Park campus on September 12, 2017 in Cupertino, California. Apple is holding their first special event at the new Apple Park campus where they are expected to unveil a new iPhone. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
庫克在新聞會現場。(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)



CUPERTINO, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during an Apple special event at the Steve Jobs Theatre on the Apple Park campus on September 12, 2017 in Cupertino, California. Apple is holding their first special event at the new Apple Park campus where they are expected to unveil a new iPhone. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
庫克在新聞會現場 。(Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)


蘋果Apple Park的累計造價高達50億美元,是全球最貴的企業總部園區。Apple Park不僅僅是喬布斯生前的最後一件作品,也是為了紀念喬布斯的生平以及他對公司、對整個世界帶來的影響。#


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