

蟬(蘇玉芬 / 大紀元)

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Cicada Hsu CHiCheng

Cicada, sings to its heart’s content, among the branch.
Grow up isn’t an easy thing, more isn’t easy to grow up in normal, to grow up strong and healthy. Isn’t it? Cicada is the best sample. He hides deeply in the soil, spends his days dark as hell, a day a month, a year…, even seventy years.

Forbear, forbear, forbear again
Grope, grope, grope again
Temper, temper temper again

As soon as it grows up, it will climb on to the branch, sings loudly.
Cicada such a tiny insect, although only endures the hardships of traveling, lives in vain as immortal, it will very severely and seriously in singing. It always on the branch, sings as its best, sings to make all-out effort, not stop till death.
Yes, not stop till death, even its life is no long, just severely and seriously in singing, sings as its best, sings to make all-out effort, not stop till death, it’s not regret.
As to life of whole universe, the life of individual only in the twinkling of an eye, is also insignificant. At this short moment, how to devote yourself, to do some benefit thing to society and country with your force, add to the universe some light and warmth, is very necessary. May be the force is little, but is better than there is no.
And, must like the cicada, not haggle long or short of the life, to make all-out effort, works hard, works ceaselessly, not stop till death.
Yes, not stop till death! @


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