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湯中吃出老鼠 溫餐廳迅速倒閉

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位於溫哥華煤氣鎮(Gastown)的螃蟹公園海鮮燴湯餐廳(Crab Park Chowdery)週三晚間在社交媒體上發佈聲明,宣佈該餐廳即將停業的消息。聲明中寫道:「人生是一場奇異的旅行,有各種各樣的起落。我們知道,憑著高仰的頭顱和能幹的態度,下一個篇章將會更好。」


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So i am going to talk about this place @crabparkchowdery . Today my friend ordered Manhattan clam chowder and had a little surprise in it – A RAT. Well i don’t know what else to say about it…. this place just need to be closed or at least people have to be aware about this situation. The cafe is kinda popular though… I’m just trying to help people to avoid places like that. Its an awful feeling, it’s not a fly or a bug it’s a fucking big fat rat boiling in the soup pot, which means my friend was not the only who had a chance to try it. Thank you for you attention. #crabparkchowdery I do not force anyone to believe. This is my personal experience that I shared. Thanks for your attention again. My active page is @adelaiiine if you think this one is fake.

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