【看川普推特學英文】川普突訪阿富汗 與美軍共度感恩節(影音)


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【大紀元2019年12月03日訊】感恩節(Thanksgiving Day)在西方是年度最重要的節日之一。家人及親朋好友會在這天團圓相聚,藉著火雞大餐之際敘敘舊,回顧這一年的努力,並且聊聊未來的心願與展望。川普總統選擇到美軍在阿富汗的基地,與這些陣前將士們同樂,感恩他們遠在他鄉,卻為國家無私的奉獻及付出。


There is nowhere I rather celebrate this thanksgiving
than right here with the toughest, strongest,
best, and bravest warriors on the face of the earth.

This evening as millions of family sit down at their dinner tables back home,
they will be saying a prayer for the men and women serving our nation.

Each of you came to do your duty. You came to defend the American liberty.
You came because our nation needed you and they needed you right here.

The men and women of our military are totally loyal to our country
and everyday I am president, America will always be totally loyal to you.

Our citizens know that you’re standing guard killing terrorists,
crushing our enemies, and keeping America safe,
and I am here today, to just really say
Happy Thanksgiving, but also thank you very much.

Great job! Thank you vey much. We appreciated that.








● warrior,名詞/ˈwɒriə(r)/戰士
英解:a soldier, especially in the past
例句:He believes that he was a Roman warrior in a previous incarnation.(他相信他的前一世,是位羅馬戰士。)

● on the face of the earth,副詞片語,在地球表面
自然發音:on the FACE of the earth
英解:used for emphasizing that something is the biggest, best, worst etc that could possibly exist
例句:He’s the most expensive lawyer on the face of the earth.(他是地球上收費最高的律師。)

● millions of,形容詞/ˈmɪljən/數以百萬計的…(形容很多)
英解:a large number
例句:They received millions of letters asking for information.(他們收到了上百萬封,要求資料的信件。)
用法:另外也可用hundreds of, thousands of 來指稱很多。在數字的顯示上,1,000(3個零表示 one thousand),1,000,000(6個零表示 one million),1,000,000,000(9個零表示 one billion)。

● prayer,名詞/prer/祈禱文
英解:the words that someone says or thinks when they are praying
例句:I go to Chapel every Sunday and I say my prayers.(我每星期天會上教堂並且祈禱。)
用法:也可指「祈禱儀式」,例句: A group of Christians knelt in prayer.(基督徒們跪著(向上帝)祈禱。)

● defend,動詞/dɪˈfend/守護
英解:to protect someone or something against attack or criticism
例句:White blood cells help defend the body against infection.(白血球細胞幫助保護身體免受感染。)
用法:你可以defend your rights(捍衛權利)、defend your beliefs/faith(捍衛信仰)、defend your point of view(捍衛觀點)、defend yourself(為自己辯護)

● liberty,名詞/ˈlɪbə(r)ti/自由
英解:the freedom to live as you wish or go where you want
例句:For most citizens, liberty means the freedom to practice their religious or political beliefs.(對大多數公民而言,自由是擁有宗教信仰或政治信仰的自由。)
用法:the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)。to take the liberty of doing sth (擅自主張…)
I took the liberty of ordering food for us.(我擅自地替大家點菜了。) at liberty (潛逃在外),例如:Two members of the gang are still at liberty.(該幫派仍有兩名成員在逃。)

● loyal,形容詞/ˈlɔɪəl/忠誠的
英解:willing to support, work for, or be a friend to someone, even in difficult times
例句:John has been a loyal employee in this company for over 20 years.(約翰已在這家公司效忠超過20多年了。)
用法:分辨 royal,/ˈrɔɪ.əl/,王室的,也可指:「似君王般的」,We were given a royal welcome. (我們受到非常隆重的歡迎。)

● citizen,名詞/ˈsɪtɪz(ə)n/公民
英解:a person who is a member of a particular country and who has rights because of being born there or because of being given rights, or a person who lives in a particular town or city
例句:He applied to become an American citizen.(他申請成為美國公民。)

● stand guard,動詞片語,守衛
自然發音:stand guard
英解:to be responsible for protecting someone or something, or for preventing someone from escaping
例句:Armed police stand guard outside the house.(配槍警察在屋外看守。)
用法:也可用 keep guard or be on guard.例如,Who was on guard the night the fire broke out?(大火發生當晚,誰是守衛?)

● appreciate,動詞/əˈpriːʃiˌeɪt/感謝
英解:used when you are thanking someone or showing that you are grateful
例句:We really appreciate all the help you gave us yesterday.(昨日有你們的大力幫忙,我們非常感謝。)
用法:也可當「理解、體會」意思。例如:The film is only funny if you appreciate American humour.(要能理解美式幽默,你才會覺得這部電影有趣。) would appreciate (不勝感激),例如:I would appreciate it if you let us know early.(要是能儘早告知,我們會萬分感激。)

● 感恩節(Thanksgiving Day)

在美國,每年的11月的第四個星期四,人們慶祝感恩節。隔天就是眾所皆知的黑色星期五(Black Friday),現今已成為超級大減價的購物日(為聖誕節做準備)。最早慶祝的原由,是為了感謝上帝過去一年的賜予與豐收。

傳統感恩節晚餐的菜色,包含:烤火雞(Roast Turkey)、火雞填料(Stuffing)(可能有麵包、新鮮水果、洋蔥、西芹菜、香草植物等)、馬鈴薯泥(Mashed Potatoes)、肉汁淋醬(Gravy)(與馬鈴薯泥搭配享用)、蔓越莓果醬(Cranberry Sauce)、玉米(Corn on the Cob)、焗烤四季豆(Green Bean Casserole)、南瓜派(Pumpkin Pie)、胡桃派(Pecan Pie)等。

在美國感恩節當天,除了享受大餐外,人們也會從事一些有趣的活動,諸如:製作感恩樹(Make a Thankful Tree)(在樹葉或色紙上,寫下小小的感謝與祝福,並懸掛在小樹上)、與孩子一同閱讀以感恩為主題的故事書(Read Gratitude Books)、參加或觀賞當天街上的慶祝遊行(Join or Watch Thanksgiving Day Parade)、分享食物給街友(Serve Others in Need)、造訪果園(Trips to Apple Orchard, Corn Maze or Pumpkin Patch etc.)、餐桌上的感恩分享(Give Thanks Around the Table)、餐後家人散步(Go for a Walk after the Meal)、玩桌遊(Play Board Games)、與孩子一起手做美勞(Make Crafts with the Kids)、看一部以感恩為主題的電影(Watch a Thanksgiving Movie)、火雞骨頭許願(Make a Wish on the Turkey Wishbone)、看或玩一場美式足球賽(Watch or Play a Football Game)等等很多既傳統又好玩的活動。



● 請問您最喜歡感恩節的是什麼?在您的文化裡,您會過感恩節嗎?如何慶祝?

● 如果您不過感恩節,那麼請問在您的文化裡,有什麼類似的節日嗎?在何時?又是如何慶祝呢?

● 「心存感恩!」(feel grateful!),應該已是人類普世的價值之一。試著分享您的親身經歷或體驗,關於「心存感恩」!如果沒有自身經歷,也可以分享一則您曾看過的小故事、電影或文章,它是如何告訴您心存感恩的重要?又為何要心存感恩?

相關單字:culture n.(文化)、similar adj.(類似的)、universal value n.(普世價值)#


紐約梅西感恩節大遊行 曼哈頓人山人海
川普突訪阿富汗 與美軍共進感恩節晚餐