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That Night, on the Sea Side  Hsu ChiCheng

That night, on the sea side, we possessed much beautiful time, enjoyed intoxication, experienced very happy.

“Go to the sea side!”

From the entrance of the summer, this word is still held store in my mind, held stored for a long time. It’s the wish which we want to make true more and more, but doesn’t fulfill. Held store for a long time, it explodes later to be a word, arose a piece of echo, becomes to be an action…

When we arrive the sea side, the curtain of night is falling leisurely, darkened a bit after a bit of the day light. The sea is uncovering its wide breast, rises and falls , just like to do deep breathing. Even the setting sun is sinking, painting the place of meeting sky and the sea a beautiful landscape, brew a pot of intoxicating fine wine…

We can not help hail loudly, appreciate as our best, drinking as our best, so that drunken, careful and contented…

The sandy beach is a grey carpet which longest and soft limitless, along the bound of the sea water, extending away, posted toward faraway, make us wishing to lie down, enjoy leisurely its caress, its softness, its console, as well as its dreamland. Sea wave gushes toward it incessantly, chants poem in a low voice, the white foam gushes all sorts of, surges toward the sky, then keeps cool slowly, a spell after a spell, take up the positions of fallen and rise to fight one after another, follows incessantly, forms to be a white cloth belt, follows the sun keep slowly a bit after a bit, in the twilight of the setting sun, likes the sea water, from shiny falls into gloomy…

This time the night is come, though the sea surface unfolds a layer of moon light, is still a piece of dark colour, a piece of dim, likes a park of deep flannelette of unparalleled size, a dot and a dot of the light on fishing boats is a bit and a bit of twinkling piece which adhere on it.……

The twilight is thick, the sea surface becomes to image which just can percept by sense of hearing, the campfire is flourishing on the sea beach.

The flame arouses onward, arouses our singing, arouses our laugh with joy, the flame is taller and longer while it arouses. The light shines toward every where, lights the things, reddens our face as well—it’s reddened by the flame, full of excitement as well, and is more reddens by full of vitality.

And the singing and laugh with joy is flourished followed by the flourished of the campfire, arouses follow the arousing of the flame, echoes whole sky, like the little marble one after another, rolling on the sea beach, din-din don-don, it can’t stretch while chase…

The night is very bustling on the sea beach…

Then, the campfire is smaller and smaller, the flame is lower and shorter, fire light is weaker and weaker, delivers all of us and the things around us to the night which remained.

We just deliver singing and laugh with joy to the pass, back home also…@


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