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To Catch the Snakehead   Hsu ChiCheng

The north wind is blow a spell after a spell, the cold current comes an echelon after an echelon, the weather is cold, as to colder and colder slowly. The snakehead comes from the north to the south in order to fit the warm.

Oh, the season of the snakehead is here. The fishermen buy the ship and fishnet, wishing with joyful, prepare to catch it.

The station is busier. In order to help the fishermen to catch the snakehead, the worker give up the vacation, works night after day incessantly, some are on the trial ship, to test the temperature of the water, some issue the immediate news, pass through newspaper office, transceiver to propagate, some even get on the helicopter fly to the sky of the coastal areas and territorial seas to make a patrol, if find snakehead get together in group, notice immediately to the organization on the land to issue the immediate news, or throw the paper directly to notice the fisher boat.

Waiting, and waiting, news appears, the fishermen drive their fishing boat with incitement, in the winter cold, against the wind and wave, march toward their target.

Catch snakehead formerly, they drove the bamboo craft and motor boat, eight bamboo crafts is a group, led by a motor boat, encircled to be a large ring with the whirling net, and catch join forces; however, it’s progress in the technique, it changes into mechanized purse seine in working, every boat can carry near three ten thousand fishes, all to go to sea in pair.

The temperament of the snakehead is prefer to the warmth but afraid of cold, it adapts of the temperature is about 23 degree C. Accompany with the change of the season, winter is come, the cold current strength toward south, force the black current be shrink back, plenty of the snakehead which will bear mother snakehead and mature snakehead far from Yellow River Valley migrate into Yellow Sea, Pao Season, stay shortly the coastal of Korea and Japan, migrated to coastal of Fu Chen, passed through Taiwan Strait, south ward near the coastal of Taiwan. They first migrate slowly, and also less in group, after arrived north part, they start to be in group, and the speed of their migration is quicker slowly, and about ten day of the Winter Solstice reach vicinity of Seven Star Reef of Cape Eluanbito do their mating and spawning, finished the mission of breeding the next generation, and then accompany the return warmth of the temperature, migrate toward north again.

How many and beautiful the snakehead! In order to mating and spawning, to finish the mission of breeding the next generation, they gather in group around vicinity of Seven Star Reef, chaste and migrate, do the game of youth, stir the sea surface into tumbling, lift the white spray to many chi, change the blue sea surface into the sprinkling garden of white spray. Too many is the snakehead! This time they are in youth, one after another is large and fatty, fleshiness and fatty, full of vim and vigour; for the function of youth, one after another of them likes in drink of fine wine, migrate here and there hurriedly, behave wildly, rush and dash everywhere, run about and drill about, float onto the surface layer upon layer, and jump onto the sky, then fall plop into the water…

On view of this scene, the fishermen are very happy, not only turn bright the eyes, even the mind flower is turn into blossom, wild flow the blood, gallop to catch with vitality, the snakehead will be caught one by one while the fish net is cashed. They jump, leap, some even jump onto the boat from the sea by themselves, jump and leap out the joyful of the fishermen.

Then, the fishermen come back with fruitful results. Although it’s extreme cold, the wind and spray is extreme strong, extreme toilsome, they are happy. There are flowers blossom on their face.——Of course their mind is the same.

Note: This grand scene is more and more scarcely, for the snakehead is more and more scarce. Is it caught into scarce? Or is it owed to the weather? @


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