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  媽媽沒有太聽懂他說的這個詞“Peppy”﹐就問他是什么意思。兒子做出要飛翔的樣子﹐說﹕“就是very happy!”。媽媽看着他﹐甜蜜的說﹕“看見你Happy 我也Happy。”

  聽到媽媽說這一句話﹐兒子問媽媽﹕“你有沒有聽說過一本書‘The Giving Tree’?”媽媽說沒有。兒子很失望的樣子。然後﹐不等媽媽再問﹐就自己給媽媽講起故事來。






  很喜歡這個故事。也很喜歡和兒子的這些談話。因了這些話﹐一早晨就變得明亮起來。做完事後﹐就去網上查這本書﹐原來是出自兒童詩作家Shel Shilverstein的一首兒童詩。也許這首詩後來被編成了故事書﹐因為﹐兒子說的故事與原詩有一些出入。



Once there was a tree who loved a little boy.
And everyday the boy would come to play
Swinging from the branches, sleeping in the shade
Laughing all the summer’s hours away.
And so they love.
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

But soon the boy grew older and one day he came and said,
“Can you give me some money, tree, to buy something I’ve found?”
“I have no money,” said the tree, “just apples, twigs, and leaves.”
“But you can take my apples, boy, and sell them in the town.”
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy
Oh, the tree was glad

But soon again the boy came back and he said to the tree,
“I’m now a man and I must have a house that’s all my home.”
“I can’t give you a house.” Tree said, “The forest is my house.”
“But you may cut my branches off and build yourself a home.”
And so he did.
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

And time went by and the boy came back with sadness in his eyes.
“My life has turned so cold,” and he says, “and I need sunny days.”
“I’ve nothing but my trunk,” she says, “But you can cut it down
And build yourself a boat and sail away.”
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.

And after years the boy came back, both of them were old.
“I really can not help you if you ask for another gift.”
“I’m nothing but an old stump now. I’m sorry but I’ve nothing more to give.”
“I do not need very much now, just a quiet place to rest,”
The boy, he whispered, with a weary smile.
“Well”, said the tree, “An old stump is still good for that.”
“Come, boy “, he said, “Sit down, sit down and rest a while.”
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.


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