
2008年03月03日 | 03:44 AM



據皇家節日音樂廳統計,在觀眾意見反饋表中,對問題「總體上你如何評價這場演出?」,67%的人選擇了「非常好」,28%的人選擇了「好」, 3%的人選了「還不錯」,負面反饋不到2%。在回答「你認為票價物有所值嗎?」39%的人認為「非常值,物超所值」,43%的人認為「好,物有所值」,12%的人覺得「不錯,票價合理」。「你會向別人推薦這場演出嗎?」91%的人回答「是的」。


Breathtaking! 驚人的美麗
Outstanding performance that exceeded my expectations. I look forward to more like this! 傑出的表演,超出我的想像。我盼望看到更多這樣的演出。
This is excellent. Will come to see other things again. 非常優秀,我還會來看他們的演出。
Excellent show. Highly recommended. Good combination of modern and classical/dynasty dances. How nice to see all regions represented too. Important social messages too – Well done. 精彩的演出。我會竭力向人推薦。現代和古代舞蹈的良好結合。非常高興看到不同地區的舞蹈。傳遞了很重要的社會信息:幹得好!
Having taken several children to see the Chinese state theatre in St. Albans last week, which was heavy with propaganda, I wish I could have brought them today – this was true China & so uplifting. Thank you all the performers.上週我帶幾個孩子去看了St. Albans的中國國家劇院的演出,那裏面有很重的宣傳。今天演出大不相同。我真希望今天把孩子們也帶來了。這才是真正的中國。非常積極向上,讓人感到鼓舞。謝謝神韻所有演員。
Excellent, unbeatable, master-piece performance! 非常好,無以倫比,傑出的、將成為經典的演出。
Well worth travelling 400+ miles to see. 很值得旅行400里來看這場演出。
A wonderful show, giving love, hope, peace and a great performance of all kinds of dance, music, singing, drama & instrument playing & knowledge about Chinese culture was great. 非常奇妙的演出,表達了愛、希望、和平,是場偉大的演出,裡面所有的舞蹈、音樂、歌曲、戲劇還有樂器演奏、和關於中國文化的知識介紹,都非常好。
Eternal & very healing. 永恆的記憶,非常具有治療效果。
Fantastic show, very powerful and entertaining.奇妙的演出,非常有力,很具有娛樂性。
Totally fantastic and would recommend to anyone. 絕對奇妙的感受,願意向所有人推薦。
“Magical” 不可思議的魔幻般的美好感受
Excellent independent reference to & celebration of Chinese culture 非常精彩,是慶祝中國新年的獨特方式
Thank you. A most wonderful performance! Stunning costume & elegance throughout. 謝謝神韻。一生中看過的最精彩的演出,美麗得令人目眩的服飾,貫徹全場的高貴典雅。
It was excellent, no words can describe it. 非常好,無法用語言來描述
I enjoyed the Human Rights/Freedom of Conscience & Belief message and spiritual aspect, as well as the cultural splendour & information 我很欣賞節目中有關人權、良知和信仰的自由和精神層面的信息,還有壯麗的文化信息內涵。

Ring true to spiritual values. Keep it simple. Loving wisdom. Kindness. 演出傳遞了真正的精神價值,表達得很簡單清楚,我喜歡演出傳達到智慧和善良。
Admirable poise, strength and grace 令人欽佩的姿態、力量和高雅
Wish it could have been long, on few more weeks. Enjoyed the show, very good, come again. 希望能多演幾週,非常欣賞,非常好,會再來看
Excellent show. Please do come back. 優秀的表演,請神韻一定再回倫敦來。
Thank you for allowing me to see this kind of performance overseas. Even though I am still puzzled about the “truth”, your promotion of traditional culture and your passion moved me deeply and made me proud of the culture of the motherland. Thanks! (Taiwanese) 謝謝你們讓我在海外看到這麼好的演出。雖然我還不太清楚真相是什麼,但你們弘揚中華文化的熱情深深的感動了 ,使我為祖國的文化而自豪。謝謝你們。(一個臺灣人)
China needs more God-culture. 中國需要更多的神傳文化。

Spectacular show – have brought China to London! 壯觀的表演,把中國帶到了倫敦!
Thoroughly enjoyed the show. Fabulous costumes and colours. A look into ancient Chinese culture.從頭到尾非常欣賞這個演出。美得難以置信的服裝和顏色,讓人看到了中國古代文化。

Beautiful performance, amazing costumes and fascinating movement of dancers. Thank you for the revival of this culture. 美麗的表演,令人驚訝的服飾,醉人的舞姿……謝謝你們復活了中國文化。


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