

2008年03月30日 | 16:46 PM





神韻藝術團乃是一個具有極高水準的國際知名舞蹈團體,該團曾經在紐約的甘迺迪藝術中心(John F. Kennedy Arts Performing Center)、無線電城音樂廳(Radio City Music Hall)和麥迪森花園廣場(Madison Square Garden)等知名劇院演出,深受好評;2006年更創造了東方表演團體首次在西方歌劇殿堂紐約百老匯燈塔劇院(Beacon Theater)表演之歷史紀錄。該團曾於2007年4月在台灣進行巡迴公演,亦獲得台灣藝術界一致好評及民眾熱烈迴響。



The Divine Performing Arts Group is an internationally well-known dance troupe of an exceptionally high standard. The said Arts Group performed at various places including the John F. Kennedy Arts Performing Centre, Radio City Music Hall, Madison Square Garden, and other famous theatres, and received much critical acclaim. 2006 was a historic year for the Group as it marked the first time that a group from Asia performed at New York’s prestigious Broadway Beacon Theatre. During April 2007, the Group went on a tour in Taiwan, and received unanimous praise from Taiwan’s performing arts circle, as well as enthusiastic response from the general public.

Every nation has its own unique characteristics and culture, and the best way to promote world peace and cultural diversity is to appreciate and respect cultures of other countries. The high-standard performance of the Divine Performing Arts Group will not only leave a visual and spiritual enjoyment, but also reflect the broadness and beauty of the exquisite and harmonious Chinese culture. Through viewing the performance, the audience will surely gain an inner spiritual introspection and develop a better understanding of Chinese culture.

As to the performance in Australia, the Divine Performing Arts Group performed in Australia in 2007 for the very first time and received much praise and appreciation from Australian audiences. This year marks the second year in which this Troupe will perform in Australia. I sincerely hope that those who can attend the performance will enjoy the forthcoming superb cultural presentation as you embark on a spiritual journey towards a greater understanding of the Chinese culture. May this year’s performance be another resounding success for the Group and I wish everyone all the best, God’s blessings, and good health!

Dr. Gary Song-Huann Lin
Representative of Taiwan
28th March 2008, Canberra



