
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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610 didn’t let my mother and cousin come into the gulag cell until 7:00 p.m. Lying on the bunk weak, I gave them a tough smile in hope that they wouldn’t feel too sad.

Mother’s knitted brows instantly smoothened a little, “You are really as tough as iron!” Mother told me Father had a sore in his foot, so he hadn’t come to Guangzhou, and that they had demanded 610 to take me to the hospital to do a check-up first.

“Mom, Let’s just go home. I don’t need them to take me to the hospital.”

“You have been on hunger strike for such a long while, so we have got to go to the hospital first. If there is anything wrong with your body, they’re going to have to take the responsibility!” Mother insisted.

At this moment, a high-ranking 610 came in and told us that an official, a doctor, and a female captain of the gulag were going to the hospital with us.

Arm in arm with Cousin, I walked out of the cell slowly.

Two cars were already parked in front of the three-story building.

Seeing two female guards getting in one of the cars with pails, hangers and toiletries, I questioned the 610 alertly, “Are they going to the hospital with me?”

“No, they aren’t.”

“Dare you guarantee that they aren’t?”

“They aren’t, they aren’t.”

“I’ll go home upon the check-up, right?”

“Yes, yes. No worries.”

When we got to the Guangzhou Military Hospital, the doctors there told us to wait in a tiny room on the second floor.

Suddenly I saw the two female guards each sitting on a stool on guard in the doorway of the room! Exactly like in the gulag!

I instantly walked out the room with indignation.

The two female guards hastened to clutch my arms, “You are not allowed to leave this room!”

“Leave! Stop watching me here! I’m not a convict!”

“We won’t leave!”

“You won’t leave then I leave!” I thereupon moved my legs towards the hospital entrance.

The female captain hurriedly came up and stopped me, “Okayokay, I’ll let them leave.”

She withdrew the two female guards to the first floor lobby, and she herself paced back and forth at a distance from the doorway of the room.

Upon accompanying me back to the room, Mother blamed me, “Your body is so weak. Don’t get so agitated!”

When Mother, Cousin and I had waited in the room for a long while, a doctor came in and said to me, “It’s already late. You should go to bed now.”

“Aren’t you giving me a check-up?!”

“Your superiors have arranged for you to stay here for a couple of days first, eat and recover.”

The indignation of being deceived surged through me. My worry had come true – they had held me in the hospital.

Once I started eating in the hospital and recovered a bit, they could put me back in the gulag at any minute.

Earlier, the high-ranking 610 once came to the gulag and told me that, they could have me stay in their hotel for some time as long as I consented to eat.

I rejected outright. I knew they wanted me eating and staying alive, thereby they could take time to torture me physically and psychologically, destroy my will and force me into renouncing Dafa.

I immediately walked out the room and sat down on the landing of the stairs. The female captain hurriedly came up and clutched my arm. “Leave me alone!” I said sternly.

A few passing-by patients stopped and watched.

She instantly let go of my arm, “Yiwen Tang, I didn’t expect you to be so formidable!”

In fact, I had become so starved by then my stomach felt like an empty, big hole, and my brain felt a severe want of oxygen and blood supplying. I could fall in a dead faint at any second. I was holding on with all my willpower.

Mother and Cousin went up and sat down beside me. Mother anxiously asked me not to talk much lest it harm my body.

In order not to make Mother too worried, I decided to sit quietly. I asked Cousin if she could ask her husband to come to the hospital.

As soon as Cousin’s husband, Yaotian, got to the hospital in a hurry, I told him what I was thinking. He immediately went to speak to the gulag official, who was watching me in the hospital, “Yiwen Yang demanded to go home immediately.”

The official said he couldn’t make the decision and had to call his superior for instructions. A while later the gulag chief came, who said he couldn’t make the decision either and had to call the high-ranking 610 for instructions.

Meanwhile I asked Mother to call the 610 as well by Yaotian’s cell phone, sternly questioning him why he had deceived us.

Mother said to him on the phone, “I have high blood pressure. It’s already ten o’clock now, I haven’t had dinner yet and don’t have the medicine on me. My daughter is becoming weaker and weaker too. She says she won’t eat until she goes home. If anything happens to us in here, you’ll have to take the responsibility as well!”

He told us to wait, saying he had to call his superior for instructions.

When we had waited till past midnight, the gulag chief told us that, he just received the instruction of letting me go after the check-up was done and the hand-over paper was written.

The doctors quickly finished the check-up and told me to come get the result a couple of days later.

Then the gulag chief asked Mother to sign a paper he just wrote, saying it was the “hand-over paper”. On that stuff was written: Yiwen Tang went on hunger strike in the Guangzhou Law School; it had nothing to do with the law school if anything happened to her body after she was released from the law school.

I resolutely insisted on changing the first sentence into: Yiwen Tang went on hunger strike in protest after she was kidnapped to the Guangzhou Law School.

After a while of deadlock, the gulag chief gave in.

But he wouldn’t change the second sentence. The two parties were in deadlock again.

It was already 2:00a.m. next day. I saw Mother and Cousin couple had become exhausted. So I decided to let Mother sign the paper and ask for a copy of it.

As there was no place for copying at such deep night, the gulag chief promised Mother he would copy the paper and sign it, and that we could go to the gulag to get it the next day.

Nearly 3:00a.m., we got to my uncle’s home in a taxi.

The following day, when Yaotian called the gulag chief before he went over to get the copy, the chief broke his promise and said he couldn’t give it to us.

Mother questioned him on the phone: Why deceived us?!

He said: I had discussed with my superiors. We couldn’t give it to you.

Mother and Yaotian were filled with indignation. I said to them: I had experienced numerous of the CCP’s deceitful tricks over the past several years, we didn’t need be too sad, for we had learned lessons from it.

I didn’t believe they could deceive Heaven.

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