
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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When having practiced Falun Dafa for three months, I was offered a job of English -Japanese simultaneous interpreting by a newly-established, small interpreting company. In the company’s office I received the American client’s test over the phone. He was satisfied with me and told the interpreting company he wanted me to do the job.

“How much pay do you require, Miss Tang?” the manager asked gingerly.

“How much should I require?” I asked myself.

I looked around at the young employees sitting in the small office. From their accent I could tell that they were from small towns or countryside, trying to earn a living in this harsh metropolis; their parents or grandparents might be anxiously waiting for their wages to pay for food or medicine.

I was in debt at the time and needed money very much too. But thinking of Master Li’s teachings of being considerate of others in all respects, I gently said to the manager— “I would leave the decision to you, sir. I trust that you would decide on a pay which is reasonable for both your company and me, and I would like to reassure you that no matter how much you pay me, I’ll do the best job I can.”

The manager was shocked, “I’ve never met such a good person!”

When having practiced Falun Dafa for a year, I got married.

My husband dreamed of making a fortune without paying much attention to whether the methods he used would hurt people or not. I often said to him softly, “Honey, I would require nothing of you materially. I only hope for you to be a good person.” He said, “I feel so blessed to have you as wife.”

When I watched the video tapes of Master Li’s lectures, sometimes he watched along with me. Gradually, he no longer vied so hard for money and rank, that greatly improved his once stressful relationship with his superior and colleagues, made him light-hearted and enabled him to keep his job later when his company started a massive layoff. He said he was very grateful to Falun Dafa.

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