
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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There was a veteran CCP member in my practice site, who was suspended from his job and watched by police twenty –four hours a day upon writing to the Central Government to clarify the truth of Falun Gong.

There were also many fellow practitioners in my practice site who went to the City Government Hall and the Provincial Government Hall to petition for Dafa. The CCP officials sent police to arrest them, “Don’t ask us why Falun Gong was banned! We didn’t ban it! The Central Government banned it! If you have any question about it, go to Beijing to ask Jiang Zemin!”

Numerous Dafa practitioners started going up to Beijing.

When they got back, they told us what they saw and heard in Beijing.

They told us —

Dafa practitioners from across the country were unceasingly going to Beijing to petition for Falun Dafa, safeguarding Falun Dafa.

Many Dafa practitioners from poor regions couldn’t afford the transportation to Beijing. Thus, they walked. Wearing worn-out clothes and shoes, carrying meager preserved food, they walked for ten days, twenty days, a month…When they arrived at Beijing, their feet were covered in blisters.

In Beijing, they drank water from the faucet in the public toilets (Mainland China’s running water was undrinkable), fed on their preserved food, and slept in the tunnels at night.

Many of the Beijing policemen were moved by them.

The Dafa practitioners stepping forward for Dafa were all arrested and tortured. But no matter how unfairly they were treated, they adhered to Master Li’s teaching of not fighting back when being beaten or sworn at.

A fellow practitioner told me what he had witnessed in Beijing —

A policeman took a little Dafa practitioner in his teens into a police station and fiercely beat him. The little practitioner never fought back and just quietly endured. The policeman became fatigued from the beating and stopped for a break.

The little practitioner took out a handkerchief from his pocket, handed it to the policeman and asked him gently, “Would you like to wipe your sweat with it, sir?”

The policeman burst into tears.

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