
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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I immediately handed Ian the photo.
On the afternoon of the following day, five Dafa practitioners, including Yo, my sister and me, gathered in the outskirts flat discussing how to further disclose Miss Chen’s case.

We decided to go to Weifang again with cameras so as to provide more clues and materials for Ian’s coverage.

While we were talking, a message suddenly came into Yo’s cell phone — “Police detected the flat. On the way there right now!”
“Let’s leave here,” Yo said calmly.

My sister, I, and Yu, a 29-year-old Northeastern female fellow practitioner, immediately began gathering our belongings. “Please go first,” my sister said to Yo and Li, who were Beijing natives and had nothing in the flat.

“You girls go first,” Li said.

“Please go first,” my sister insisted.

“Okay,” Li said and swiftly evacuated from the flat with Yo.

Yu finished gathering her belongings like lightening. “Only take the most important stuff!” she said to my sister and me.

“Please go first,” my sister said to her.

“Okay!” Yu instantly left.

My sister didn’t hurry to leave after we got our belongings gathered. She gave the flat a calm final check so as not to leave anything important behind. And then she said to me, “I go first. You come a second later. We meet at the crossroads.”

When stepping out the flat with a small duffel bag, I didn’t see any police; everything around seemed usual.

Ten minutes later I got to the crossroads. My sister was already there waiting for me. I was relieved. “Where should we go now?” I asked, feeling a bit at a loss.

“Since we are carrying duffel bags, we certainly should go to the railway station!” My sister smiled a mischievous smile.

We got on a bus; when it got to a downtown street my sister suggested, “Let’s get off to have some snack. To sit down and think for a while.”

Then we got off the bus and entered a small café. While drinking tea and having a little snack, we thought back to the scene that had just happened, talking about what inadequacies in us had been exposed in the scene, what lessons we should learn from it …


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