
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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她在二零零二年底被中共評為「廣州市十大傑出青年候選人」之一。二零零二年十一月二十八日的《廣州日報》說她「用愛心、熱心、真心、善心、 恆心來幫助轉化」關在勞教所的法輪功人員。(待續)


I was put in a tiny cell under close surveillance upon the torture. The iron door of the cell was locked twenty-four hours a day.

I lay in the cell unconscious for two days, aching so badly all over I couldn’t even turn over.

Two days later, a Third Brigade captain ordered an inmate to drag me up from the bunk, “How can we let a person disobeying our discipline sleep so comfortably!”

Yu, the watching-inmate around me, felt compassion for me. She fetched a pail of water, had me sit on the edge of the bunk, and started washing my hair for me. My hair had become so dirty it smelled unpleasantly.

Yu, who was in her early thirties, once owned a hairdresser’s. Later she met an addict and started taking drugs. At first she was put in the First Brigade; the brigade thought she labored too slow and thereby kicked her off to the Third Brigade.

Upon washing my hair, Yu fetched another pail of water and had me wipe my body slowly. My sweat-soaked trousers were sticking to my skin. As Yu tore my trousers off for me, an egg-sized pustule showed in the inner part of my left thigh.

After Yu reporting it to the guards, a guard took me to the brigade infirmary. There, a doctor used a syringe three times sucking up the thick, yellow pus in the pustule. The guard turned her face away, daring not to watch the process.

My right foot was swollen so badly I had to hold my right leg parallel to the ground all the time. Once I stood up, the foot would instantly become swollen even worse.

My right leg had been so badly injured it couldn’t walk anymore. It could only be dragged along, with my left leg holding the body.

The five fingers of my right hand had lost consciousness.

I was so weak I couldn’t even talk.

Upon knowing Yu washing my hair for me, the captain summoned the watching-inmates and scolded them hard, “Who told you to be so kind to Falun Gong?! We told you to watch Falun Gong but didn’t tell you to look after Falun Gong like a maid! From now on, whoever is good to Falun Gong will have her time in this forced labor camp prolonged!”

Yu was so frightened her face turned green. She became cold to me upon coming back to the cell.

The watching–inmates whispered to each other: We should never be good to Falun Gong; we had to be cruel to them or we would cause ourselves harm.

Many of the extremely evil and brutal methods that were used to torture Dafa practitioners in the Third Brigade, were developed and carried out by the very captain.

Before, I couldn’t understand what on earth the literature-described “a woman as venomous as vipers and scorpions” was like. After meeting the captain, I came to understand.

She was chosen by the CCP to be one of the “Candidates for Top Ten Outstanding Youth of Guangzhou” at the end of 2002. Guangzhou Daily wrote on November 28, 2002 that she had been converting the Falun Gong practitioners in the forced labor camp “with a loving, enthusiastic, sincere, kind, and patient heart.”

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