
A picture taken on May 17, 2016 shows a Google Tracker Man walking around the Chambord Castle and taking panoramic pictures for the Google map and Google Street in Chambord.
Internet Giant Google extends its virtual territory after signing partnerships with 18 castles of the Loire which can now be virtually visited, besides 1000 museums and cultural institutions. / AFP / GUILLAUME SOUVANT        (Photo credit should read GUILLAUME SOUVANT/AFP/Getty Images)
修建於1519年的香波爾城堡(Château de Chambord)是法國文藝復興時期建築的極致,它融合了法國中世紀建築的傳統元素和義大利的文藝復興元素,是盧瓦河谷地區所有城堡中最雄偉的一座,也是世界上最有特色的城堡之一。