Hello英语(第三十课):家庭 Family

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Father 父亲﹐爸爸

Mother 母亲﹐ 妈妈

Son 儿子

Daughter 女儿

Brother 兄弟﹐弟弟﹐哥哥

Sister 姐妹﹐妹妹﹐姐姐

Grandmother 祖母﹐外祖母﹐姥姥﹐奶奶

Grandfather 祖父﹐外祖父﹐老爷﹐爷爷

Aunt 姨妈﹐姑妈

Uncle 叔叔﹐伯伯﹐舅舅



A ﹕ Hello, Lee Ren De.
B﹕ Hi﹐ Ding Hui.

A ﹕Do you have any brothers and sisters?
B﹕ Yes, I do. I have 1 brother and 2 sisters.

A﹕ Oh really? What do they do?
B﹕ My brother is a lawyer. My sisters are both teachers.

A ﹕That’s interesting.

B﹕ Thank you.


Do you have any brothers and sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗﹖

Yes, I do. 有

I have 1 brother and 2 sisters. 我有一个兄弟﹐两个姐妹。

Oh really? What do they do? 是吗﹖他们都做什么工作﹖

My brother is a lawyer. 我的兄弟是律师。

My sisters are both teachers. 我的两个姐妹都是教师。

That’s interesting。真有意思。

Thank you. 谢谢。

* * *
对话 (二)

A﹕ Hello﹐ Lee Ren De.

L﹕Hi﹐ Ding Hui.

A﹕ Where are you going?

B ﹕I’m going to the hospital.


B﹕ My grandfather is sick.

A﹕ Oh really? What’s the matter?

B﹕ He has an ear infection.

A﹕ That’s terrible.

B﹕ Yes, it is.

A﹕ Give him my best.

B﹕ I will. Thank you.


L = Give him my best.

A = 代我向他问好。best 是最好的意思。这是美国人常说的一句话。“Give him

my best”是指男的他“Give her my best”是指女的她。

Where are you going? 你去哪儿﹖

I’m going to the hospital. 我去医院。

Why? 为什么﹖

My grandfather is sick. 我的爷爷(老爷)病了。

Oh really? What’s the matter? 是吗﹖怎么了﹖

He has an ear infection. 他耳朵发炎了。

That’s terrible. 那可真不好﹐或者﹐那太可怕了。

Yes, it is. 是呀。

Give him my best 代我向他问好

I will. Thank you. 我会的﹐谢谢。

* * *
对话 (三)

A﹕ I need to go to the store.

B﹕ Why?

A﹕ My mother wants some ice-cream.

B﹕ When do you want to go?

A﹕ Now. Would you like to come with me?

B﹕ Sure. My uncle wants some apples.

A﹕ Do you have money?

B﹕ Yes I do.

A﹕ Okay, let’s go.

B﹕ You can drive.

A: No problem.


Now 现在

With 和谁一起﹐和谁一块儿

With me 就是和我一起。

Would you like to come with me?就是你愿意跟我一起来吗﹖很有礼貌的邀请别人。

有一句话可能稍微难一点。 You can drive.你可以开车。这是有礼貌的命令。如果说“You drive”这个命令的口气就太生硬了。


─ ─转载自:新唐人电视台网 (http://www.dajiyuan.com)

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