
Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Japanese iPhone Application Teaches Military Salute


1. unlikely: [ʌnˋlaɪklɪ] adv. 不可能的
2. salute: [səˋlut] n. v. 敬礼
3. yell: v. [jɛl]
4. recruit: [rɪˋkrut] n. 新成员
5. discipline: [ˋdɪsəplɪn] v. 训练
6. tongue-in-cheek :ph. 不可当真的

It is unlikely to replace military trainers yelling at new recruits to teach them how to salute, but the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force has recently released an iPhone application that does exactly the same job with less stress and more fun.

The “Salute Trainer” disciplines users to salute like a navy officer using the phone’s motion detector to monitor the accuracy and speed of the arm movements as well as the angle of the hand. A training video launched on YouTube by the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Forces takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the app.
这款 “军礼教官” 利用手机的动态侦测器监控手的角度,以及手臂动作的准确度、速度,借此训练使用者像海军军官一样行礼。由日本海上自卫队在YouTube上发布的一段训练影片,让人可以笑话般看看这款应用程式。

7. agent: [ˋedʒənt] n. 代理人;特工
8. be aware of 意识到.
9. Frivolous: [ˋfrɪvələs] adj. 轻浮的
10. Lax: [læks] adj. 松懈的
11. Favorable: [ˋfevərəb!] adj. 讨人喜欢的;赞美的
12. Stuffy: [ˋstʌfɪ] adj. 古板的

[Lt. Hiroshi Hanazawa, Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force]:
“The application is not to train the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force agents but to enhance ordinary people’s interest and involvement with us.”

Hanazawa and his team spent a year developing the software. They say they were well aware that they risked being criticized for being too frivolous and lax in their duties in defending the nation.

However they were pleasantly surprised by the favorable reception.

[Lt. Hiroshi Hanazawa, Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force]:
“Usually the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force is considered stuffy and serious, but since the release of this application many people have responded positively to us, and we were happy to find that people now seem to have a more friendly and relaxed view of our organization.”

13. Fictional: [ˋfɪkʃən!] adj. 虚构的
14. Peripheral: [pəˋrɪfərəl] adj. 周边的
15. Protractor: [proˋtræktɚ] n. 量角器
16. tip: n. 小秘诀
17. Swiftly: [ˋswɪftlɪ] adv. 迅速地

Some ten thousand users have downloaded the free training app in the first week since its release on the Japanese iTunes apps store on December 12. Over 60,000 people have viewed the YouTube promotional video that features real JMSDF agents with more entertaining and totally fictional peripheral products – such as the “Salute Protractor ” and “Salute Muscle Reinforcer.”

As for how to get the best scores, Hanazawa had a tip to master the training game.

[Lt. Hiroshi Hanazawa, Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force]:
“The key to getting a high score on this app is to move your arm swiftly to the salute position.”

The Japan Navy has no plans yet to redesign this app for other smart phones.

* * *

这一则新闻就是日本海上自卫队(Maritime Self Defense Force),使用iPhone教新进人员(new recruits)敬礼(salute)。

motion detector 是动作侦测器,是由动词 detect加上or转成名词。那么我们来讲解一下,为什么detect是侦测呢?因为-tect是cover覆盖的意思,比如protect为什么是“保护”呢?就是老鹰要抓小鸡,母鸡向前覆盖住小鸡,所以是保护啰!
那么detect呢?这要学会de-这个字首,有apart, down, negate(否定)三个意思,把cover覆盖拿掉,就是侦测的过程啰!


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这里David老师举两个例子:在倒数第二段中,The key to getting a high score on this app…. Key是关键,作名词,什么关键呢?就用了介系词词组to getting a high socre 得高分的关键。on this app则是 high score的后位修饰,是在这个软体中得高分。

首段中,that does exactly the same job with less stress and more fun是an iPhone application的后位修饰,形态上是形容词子句及介系词词组。That是关系代名词,代表iPone application,意思是说这套iPhone 应用软体正可做相同的工作,with less stress and more fun则可视为是the same job的后位修饰,用较少的压力与较多的趣味来做这项相同的工作。


本专栏由前卫英语David Lee主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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