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我作为追查迫害法轮功国际组织的代表,慎重告诉大家,也告诉全世界:中共是一个比纳粹更加邪恶的犯罪集团!以前中共党魁江泽民为首的犯罪集团利用整个国家机器 ,包括宣传系统,司法系统和军队、武警、地方医疗机构联合对法轮功修炼群体实施活摘器官的群体灭绝性大屠杀,其规模和邪恶达到人类有史以来登峰造极的程度!

2013年9月12日,追查国际发表了《追查国际关于中共活体摘取法轮功学员器官证据专辑》,曝光了关于中共活体摘取法轮功学员器官罪恶的主要证据。www.zhuichagu oji.org/node/35848


其中一名曾担任活摘法轮功学员器官现场持枪警卫的武警举证他目击活摘法轮功学员 器官全过程的证词。诉说了这一惊天罪恶的惨烈!

驻北京丰台的解放军307医院移植科肾源联系人陈强直言承认他们是官方、警方、监 狱一条龙的运作法轮功学员器官的交易,还可提供证明法轮功学员供体身份的材料。







原锦州公安局长王立军主办的“锦州市公安局现场心理研究中心”涉嫌用法轮功学员 做活人人体实验并活摘器官的犯罪。薄熙来伙同薄谷开来涉嫌用法轮功学员做人体塑 化模型在世界各地出售并展出。如此等等反人类罪行,是“这个星球上前所未有的邪恶”。

详细证据请查阅追查国际的网站(http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/ ),或直接来电、来函咨询,我们可以随时回复。

我们呼吁全世界全面追查中共的反人类罪恶!惩办罪犯!因为彻底清算中共迫害法轮功的罪恶,是一场史无前例的人类道德良知的保卫战!是正与邪的大筛选,是对每个 人、每个组织、每个国家政府的道德良知的全面检验!愿人们在这历史重要时刻,审时度势,明辨善恶,站在正义良知的一边,为民除害,建立历史功勋,切莫错过机会!

追查国际将一如既往地帮助和协调国际社会正义力量及刑事机构,在全球范围内彻底 追查迫害法轮功的一切罪行以及相关的机构、组织和个人,无论天涯海角,无论时日长短,必将追查到底,协助受害者将罪犯送上法庭,严惩凶手,警醒世人。

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong

电话: 1-347-448-5790 ;传真: 1-347-402-1444 ;
邮信地址:P.O. Box 84, New york, NY 10116
网址:http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/, http://www.upholdjustice.org/

WOIPFG Statement at the UN Gathering on Dec. 10, 2013

Since March 9, 2006, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) has collected a large amount of evidence from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Political and Legislative Affairs Committee, and organ transplant centers and hospitals of military, armed police, and local government in 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions in Mainland China. These pieces of evidence collectively confirm that the CCP has been harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners and experimenting on live human bodies.

Moreover, this evidence reveals the disturbing fact that the CCP’s organ harvesting practices of live Falun Gong practitioners are not individual, isolated, occasional murder-for-money cases. Rather, they are widespread, state-orchestrated, systematic mass-killing and genocide across the whole country, plotted directly from the highest-level Communist leaders, including Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang.

Orchestrated and protected by top government and party officials, members of the judiciary, military, armed police and medical institutions have been involved and implicated in these crimes. The crime sites of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners are primarily the military- and police-owned hospitals and organ transplant centers.

WOIPFG obtained evidence of the committed crimes of hospitals and transplant centers in at least 23 provinces, cities and autonomous regions including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Guangxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunan, Guizhou, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Xinjiang.

This evidence taken together provides a picture that is consistent and compelling. The way the parts all fit together reveals a systematic crime that enables us to understand the nature and extent of CCP’s evil. These crimes are outside the scope of normal human thinking.

In addition, the notorious “Tiananmen Self-immolation Hoax” on Jan. 2001 is another prime example of the CCP’s deceptive nature, with which it has incited hatred against Falun Gong and brainwashed the people inside and outside China. WOIPFG’s investigative reports on the Hoax reveals many aspects of fabrication, including the identities of the so-called “self-immolators.”

The following is a list of related investigative reports by WOIPFG.
Collection of Evidence of Live Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong Practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party
An Investigative Report on the Source of Human Cadavers Used in the Plastination Industry in China
WOIPFG Ebook on Organ Harvesting
Investigative Report: China’s Public Security Bureau’s On-site Psychology Research Center Implicated in Live Organ Harvesting on Falun Gong Practitioners
A Look Back on the “Tiananmen Square Self-Immolation” Hoax at its Ten Year Anniversary

World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong
Telephone: 001-347-448-5790
Fax: 001-347-402-1444
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 84, New York, NY 10116, USA
Website: http://upholdjustice.org/

【周晓辉】当代“宰白鸭”怵目惊心  周永康父子罪孽深重
“周永康被双规” 江泽民最害怕习近平知道的两个秘密