梵蒂冈峰会 移植专家:强摘器官仍在继续

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【大纪元2017年02月11日讯】(大纪元记者李孜、林达报导)2月7日,中共前卫生部副部长,活摘器官的直接参与人黄洁夫在梵蒂冈“反对器官贩卖全球峰会”上发言,欲使国际医疗界相信,中共2015年宣布停止使用死刑犯器官后,一直在改善其移植操作。他的仅仅提供了两张幻灯片的辩解,遭到许多与会者的怀疑与诘问。多名与会者要求中共允许独立检查团对其器官移植活动进行检查和监督,以确保中国不再出现使用死刑犯器官的情况。与会者之一,以色列器官移植协会主席雅各.拉维(Jacob Lavee)当即作出回应。全文翻译如下:



1. 如果不能做到完全透明,就不可能核查(黄)声称的改革是否存在,即停止使用死刑犯的器官。现在并没有新的法律或法规禁止使用死刑犯器官,1984年条例至今仍然有效,其中允许使用囚犯器官的内容并没有被废除。注册管理机构不接受公众的监督或独立检查,器官移植的数量仍然不可思议的巨大,富裕的外国人只要提前预约,目前仍然可以接受肝脏和心脏移植手术。


3. 我们需要一个合适的国际机构,对中国器官移植业进行独立调查,这个机构应有权在未事先通知的情况下造访捐献器官者的家庭并和他们谈话。

4. 我们需要看到有关中国新法律改革的证据,包括废除1984年允许使用囚犯器官的规定。那些犯有强制活摘器官罪行或犯有同谋罪的人,必须提交司法部门处置。

5. 最后,欢迎大家阅读今天在《英国医学杂志》上发表的对于此问题的编辑部文章。

Remarks following JH presentation

Following the presentation of the Chinese alleged reform in organ donation, allocation and transplantation, I wish to briefly draw your attention to the following points:
1. Without full transparency, verification of the alleged reform, which claims halt of the use of organs from executed prisoners, is impossible. There is no new law or regulation banning the use of executed prisoner organs. Nor have the still existing 1984 regulations permitting the use of prisoners’ organs been rescinded. The registries are not open to public scrutiny or independent verification and inexplicably high volumes of transplantation continue to take place, and wealthy foreigners can still obtain liver and heart transplants, booked in advance
2. The term ‘executed prisoners’ obscures the distinction between individuals sentenced to death by the Chinese criminal justice system (who, by law, must be executed within seven days), and prisoners of conscience killed extra judicially. Several independent researchers believe that the majority of organs come from prisoners of conscience who are executed without due process. This source of organs is excluded from discussion with Chinese officials, because discussing the matter is labeled “demonizing China” with “fabricated evidence.” As long as there is no honesty and accountability for what took place – the killing of innocents on demand – there can be no guarantee of actual ethical reform.
3. We need independent scrutiny of Chinese practice by an appropriate international body with the power to perform unscheduled visits and interview donor families;
4. We need evidence of the new Chinese legal reform, including abolishment of the 1984 regulations permitting the use of prisoner organs, and those who have committed crimes or been complicit in forced organ harvesting must be brought to account.
5. Finally, I welcome you to read an editorial on these issues published today online in the British Medical Journal.
Jacob Lavee, MD
President, Israel Transplantation Society

Professor of Surgery
Director, Heart Transplantation Unit
Deputy Director, Department of Cardiac Surgery
Leviev Heart Center
Sheba Medical Center
Tel Hashomer 526051
Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Tel Aviv University


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