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“春天来了。”报春花扬举着叶,以它们的叶报告春来的消息。看,它们像一面旗, 更鲜绿了,更有生气了,更精神抖擞了。


“春天来了。”报春花高擎起花,以它们的花报告春来的消息。看,它们的花,红、 橙、黄、蓝、紫、紫红……各色都有,点着头,有的仅绽放一朵小小的微笑,有的则 开怀地放声大笑。


万物应和着,迎了上去,那些鸟和鸣虫以歌唱,那些花草树木以新芽、绿叶和花朵, 那些走兽以蹦跃奔驰,那些鸟、蝴蝶和青蜓以飞翔,那些泥土以湿润,那些天气以温 暖,那些空气以春风……。

“春天来了。”每到春天,时刻一到,报春花便会为大家报告春来的消息,每年如此 ,从不间断,以它们的叶,以它们的花……。


Chinese Primrose     Hsu ChiCheng

“The spring is coming.” The Chinese primrose reports for us about the news of the spring whenever the spring comes.
The Chinese primrose reports for us about the news of spring, so every year, haven’t broken, with their leaves, with their flowers…
“The spring is coming.” The Chinese primrose high lifts their leaves, reports about the news of the spring. Lo, they like the flag, is more vivid green, is more with vigour and vitality, is more in good fettle.
The Chinese primrose reports for us about the news of spring, so every year, haven’t broken, with their leaves, with their flowers…
“The spring is coming.” The Chinese primrose high lift their flowers, reports about the news of the spring. Lo, their flowers, red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, purple red…all colour they have, nodding , some just blossom a little smile, and some laugh a hearty laugh.
The Chinese primrose reports for us about the news of spring, so every year, haven’t broken, with their leaves, with their flowers…
Echo all things of the world, face on, those singing birds and chirp insects, with their song, those flowers, grasses and trees with their bud, green leaves and flowers, the beast with their jumping and running, those birds, butterflies and dragonflies with their soar, those soil with moist, those weather with their warm, those air with their spring wind…
“The spring is coming.” The Chinese primrose reports for us about the news of spring, so every year, haven’t broken, with their leaves, with their flowers…@


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