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Insist on Hsu ChiCheng

You ought to insist on! You ought to strive! Never stop half way! Don’t give up the work!
There’s no such thing as a free lunch on earth. The victory will not fall from the sky. Succession can’t reach in one step. Although opportunity cost is the principle of economics, it’s validness also in other thing. Whoever must pay for his success. Insist on is the most price he will pay.
Insist on need extreme patience, firm determination, no down heart of faith, never shrink back forever. It’s apparently invalid that one day’s sun and ten day’s frost; it will absolutely rid from success if shrink or give up when face difficulty. Life will meet you halfway if shrink or give up and not insist on to terminate when face difficulty, it’s impossible to be success, the person who exercises patience and endures pain, he will be success.
The climber of the mountain is the best example. A person who climbs one step after one step, and still not reach the top of the mountain till very tired, if he give it up, he can not do the climbing; he must grit his teeth, let him streaming in sweat, has hardly recovered his breath, even bleed, climb one step after one step, insist on, not stop in half way, and will climb to terminate, climb to the highest, achieve that great undertaking of mountain-climbing.
It’s the same thing like mountain-climbing, be sure to insist on strive, not stop, successively, can achieve a work.
Napoleon Bonaparte said once: success belongs to the man who insists the most. You ought to insist on! You ought to strive! Never stop half way! Don’t give up the work! @


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