【看川普推特学英文】海、陆官校足球赛 西点军校三连胜


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【大纪元2018年12月16日讯】美国美式足球著名的“海陆大赛”(Army-Navy game)2018年12月8日举行,这场经典大赛由西点陆军军官学校的“黑骑士”对战美国海军学院的“海官生”,从1890年首次举办至今已有上百年历史。川普是第10位前往观赛的在任总统。


第119次的“海陆大赛”在宾夕法尼亚州费城的林肯金融体育场(Lincoln Financial Field)举行,这里正是超级杯费城老鹰队(Eagles)的主场。川普在空军一号上就预告了即将抵达的讯息。

● honor [ˋɑnɚ],名词,荣誉、名誉;动词,使增光,给…荣誉。
● Army-Navy game:每年的陆军(Army)与海军(Navy)比赛标志着美国大学橄榄球常规赛季的结束,以及由陆、海、空三个军官学校争夺“总司令杯”(CIC)的最后一场比赛。
陆军队名为“黑骑士”(Army Black Knights )也称 cadet [kəˋdɛt],原意为军校学生,候补军官、警官,见习生。海军队名为“海官生”(Navy Midshipmen),单数形 midshipman [ˋmɪd͵ʃɪpmən],指美国海军军官学校学生,军舰上受训的见习军官。

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08:  The Army cadets salute after they marched on the field before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
2018年12月8日海陆大赛,西点军校入场。(Elsa/Getty Images)
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08:  The Naval cadets march on the field before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
2018年12月8日海陆大赛,海军学院入场。(Elsa/Getty Images)
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08:  The Naval cadets march on the field before the game between the Army Black Knights and the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
海军队伍背后挂着“击败陆军”(BEAT ARMY)的口号。(Elsa/Getty Images)
TOPSHOT - US Military Academy (USMA) show their support prior to the annual Army-Navy football game at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8, 2018. - Trump will officiate the coin toss at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia between the Army Black Knights of the US Military Academy (USMA) and the Navy Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy (USNA). (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)        (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
西点军校一方观众席则是高举“陆军加油!”(GO ARMY!)的标语。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)



TOPSHOT - Players of the Navy Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy (USNA) arrive waving the American flag prior to the annual Army-Navy football game at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8, 2018. - US President Donald Trump  will officiate the coin toss between the Army Black Knights of the US Military Academy (USMA) and the Navy Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy (USNA). (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)        (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
海军队选手挥舞国旗入场。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

1901年,时任美国总统老罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)首次前往海陆大赛,开启了三军统帅观赛的传统。二战期间,陆军队击败海军队拿下胜利后,远在太平洋前线作战的麦克阿瑟将军特别来电报祝贺,而他正是西点军校的著名校友。



US President Donald Trump (2nd-R) and US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis (2nd-L) attend the annual Army-Navy football game at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8, 2018. - Trump will officiate the coin toss at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia between the Army Black Knights of the US Military Academy (USMA) and the Navy Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy (USNA). (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)        (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
川普(左3)与国防部长马提斯(左2)等将领。(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

在开赛之前,海军、陆军伞兵缓缓从天上降落,陆军展示了国旗与服役旗(service flags),海军则带着写有“受海洋锻造”(Forged by the Sea)与“惧怕山羊吧”(Fear the Goat)的旗帜(山羊是海军的吉祥物)。


PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08: An Army Golden Knights parachute jumper glides toward the field before the start of the game between Army Black Knights and Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
陆军伞兵带着星条旗降落球场。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08: A U.S. Navy parachute jumper glides toward the field before the start of the game between Army Black Knights and Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
海军伞兵展示“受海洋锻造”(Forged by the Sea)的旗帜。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

川普与国防部长马提斯(Jim Mattis)都受到了两个军种球队的欢呼与喝采,军用喷射机与直升机从球场上方飞过,两边都用震耳欲聋的吼声席卷全场。

US President Donald Trump attends the annual Army-Navy football game at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8, 2018. - Trump will officiate the coin toss at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia between the Army Black Knights of the US Military Academy (USMA) and the Navy Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy (USNA). (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)        (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
川普向观众挥手致意。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

川普担任开赛抛硬币(coin toss)嘉宾,结果由海军队猜中硬币方向,选择开球场地。

如同先前的观赛总统,川普在中场时换边坐以示公平。在下半场时,他坐在海军中将卡特(Ted Carter Jr.)与海军部长斯宾塞(Richard V. Spencer)中间。

US President Donald Trump attends the annual Army-Navy football game at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 8, 2018. - Trump officiated the coin toss at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia between the Army Black Knights of the US Military Academy (USMA) and the Navy Midshipmen of the US Naval Academy (USNA). (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)        (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)
川普下半场坐在海军席位。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)


PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08: Bryce Holland #65 of the Army Black Knights reacts after the Black Knights score a touchdown in the fourth quarter to win the game 17-10 over the Navy Midshipmen at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
终场前四分卫小霍普金斯持球达阵,把比分拉开,小霍普金斯发出胜利的欢呼。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 08: Jackson Pittman #99 of the Navy Midshipmen reacts after the Army Black Knights score a touchdown in the fourth quarter to win the game 17-10 at Lincoln Financial Field on December 08, 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)
终场海军队(白衣)以17-10,败给陆军队。2018年12月8日费城海陆大赛。(Sarah Stier/Getty Images)




● attend [əˋtɛnd],动词,出席、参加。

美国国歌《星条旗之歌》(The Star-Spangled Banner)一直是其国家精神所在,在大大小小的运动场上都有赛前唱国歌的传统,川普另外分享了两校合唱团高唱国歌的画面。

O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


【看川普推特学英文】重塑美中贸易 川普坚定有信心
组图:陆军vs海军百年历史足球赛 川普开球