

凯特的新娘捧花放置于西敏寺的无名战士墓塚 (Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)

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Blushing bride  Hsu ChiCheng

Blushing bride, the flower for the bride, named the flower with bride, how great the name!

It’s the flower be welcome the most, especially right now, the weather is cold, the frequency range the bride appear is increase, it’s welcome the more. It always beaming with joy, and also brings beaming with joy to people.

It’s green and fine in the stem and leaf, feather-like in shape, stretches out, grow wild out, spread out, fine and closely woven into the net, make us to associate with:

–This is a piece of love net, want to trap the hearts of both sides.
–This is a piece of night sky, the five angles star shape flower is the star in the night sky, decorates one after another, and still sprinkles truly look from far away.
–This is the tie the dream of the youth, very romantic. They cast them regardless of their safety, tangled by them, and also tangle with each other.

Oh, I see. It’s the unique flower. It’s the incomparable flower.

Yes, blushing bride is the flower of unique and incomparable. The hands hold the flower is certainly the hand unique and incomparable. Lo! How tender, soft, delicate and plump, the hands, how magic, dreamy the hands, are the hands to create joy, plump and happy! Where can we find this pair of hands around the world?

Oh, let this pair of hands to hold blushing bride, in beaming with joy to people, hold the dream of love of romantic, hold joy, plump and happy! @


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