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纷呈呀纷呈,彩叶草纷呈出展绽的焰火,彩绘着多彩多姿,图案是那么和谐,线条是 那么柔美,加上缤纷的颜彩,展现出丰富的内容:节庆、自由、和平、安适、满足、欢笑、悦乐……。







The Skullcaplike Coleus   Hsu ChiCheng

Every time when I meet skullcapike coleus, every time I think of scullcapike coleus, there were come thick and fast many good looks and many colours: brown, yellow, green, blue, red, orange, purple, maroon, in my eyes, in my mind…

Skullcaplike coleus, oh, skullcaplike coleus, how many good looks come thick and fast, the skullcaplike coleus which many colours come thick and fast!

Comes thick and fast oh, comes thick and fast, skullcapike coleus comes thick and fast the fireworks, paints of striking colours, pattern is so harmonious, the line is so soft, increases the colour is in riotous profusion, appears the profusion content: festival, freedom, peace, quiet and comfortable, satisfied, laugh heartily, happy…

Comes thick and fast oh, comes thick and fast, skullcapike coleus comes thick and fast a stage and a stage of dance. May it be the dance hilly country for celebrating the bumper year! May it be the hula of Hawaii! May it be the folk dance the most formal dance of our country! In the breeze, under the bright sunshine, the dancer in elegant attire, shows fine dance posture and movements, dancing with loving, every movement deals with the rhythm of the music, ties ten thousand of eyes, ten thousand of hearts…

Comes thick and fast oh, comes thick and fast, skullcapike coleus comes thick and fast the colourful afterglow smears on the western sky at dusk, the red leaves full on the maple tree in the late autumn…

Comes thick and fast oh, comes thick and fast, skullcapike coleus comes thick and fast the beauty, poem, many good looks…

Come thick and fast,
With colour sawtooth in the edge of the leaves
With many blue small spikes composed by many small flowers
With whole life, with whole mind…

Comes thick and fast oh, comes thick and fast, comes thick and fast those good looks, those colours…@


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