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他用掉落的花瓣拼贴出鲜活动物 惊艳大众

【大纪元2019年09月19日讯】(大纪元记者嫣华综合报导)结合绘画、设计、拼贴和花艺,艺术家井上罗来( Raku Inoue)的花卉艺术贴画别树一帜。特别是“自然的昆虫”系列,以美丽的鲜花拼贴出各种栩栩如生的昆虫,还获得《国家地理》杂志的报导;作风唯美精致、活泼生动又充满生命力。







井上罗来在推特上透露,曾接受《国家地理》杂志的采访,在 2019年8月份的杂志上,以7个页面的版幅报导了他的作品。


网友纷纷向他祝贺:“多么大的成就啊!这是很高的荣耀! ”“恭喜你! 我认为你当之无愧!”



曾学习过日本传统的插花艺术,强调花材自然生态的美,并灵活应用当季现有材料;如象征夏季的大红色蝴蝶,用红色玫瑰花拼贴而成的蝴蝶,让人感受到热情洋溢、生气蓬勃,感染力十足。网友纷纷留言:“太有活力了!真棒!”“这个很有朝气!” “ 非常华丽 ! ”

● 蝴蝶&昆虫









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Natura Safari: “Owl—Wisdom” (1/3) – He was a man of character, a person of principle with many loving facets. A very respected karate teacher for some and a very kind friend for others but for me, he was someone who saw the potential in me. Supporting and helping me along the way. His words of encouragement will never be forgotten, he really did treat me like I was his own. Reynald Leboeuf, my beloved stepfather passed away recently. The past few months were very difficult for him as he was suffering from cancer. But no longer, he is now forever pain free. He will be sorely missed. R.I.P. – – #life #death #nature #flower #arrangement #art #design #inspiration #inspire.

Raku Inoue 井上 罗来 TYOMTL(@reikan_creations)分享的贴文 于 张贴

猛禽猫头鹰的身上插满鲜花,但一点也不觉得突兀, 以白色菊花为基底, 从各种不同的面向和角度,高高低低地摆满了白色菊花,菊叶变成它的尾巴和翅膀。作品生动素雅,成功地营造出鲜活的猫头鹰来。

● 老虎


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Natura Safari: “White Tiger–Kindness” (2/3) – He was a man of character, a person of principle with many loving facets. A very respected karate teacher for some and a very kind friend for others but for me, he was someone who saw the potential in me. Supporting and helping me along the way. His words of encouragement will never be forgotten, he really did treat me like I was his own. Reynald Leboeuf, my beloved stepfather passed away recently. The past few months were very difficult for him as he was suffering from cancer. But no longer, he is now forever pain free. He will be sorely missed. R.I.P. – – #life #death #nature #flower #arrangement #art #design #inspiration #inspire.

Raku Inoue 井上 罗来 TYOMTL(@reikan_creations)分享的贴文 于 张贴


● 海马


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National Geographic August 2019: “Seahorse” (3/3) – I remember growing up, flipping through Natgeo’s magazine pages and being captivated by the images. I also remember reading about ecological issues and challenges that all living things were facing on this planet…mostly because of human actions..or inactions. – Last month, I had a great pleasure of being featured in a 7 pages article in the same magazine that sparked my love for nature and its beauty. – So today, I find that it would be a perfect opportunity to present to you a reinterpretation of two heartbreaking images from Natgeo that stuck in my mind for all these years. They say images speak a thousand words. I am hoping that these images will spark an interests for nature/wildlife preservation and awareness to reducing pollutions just like the two original images did to me long time ago. – ***Original pictures was taken by @justinhofman – #nature #creation #flower #floral #natgeo #MTL #Montreal #Japan #Tokyo #art #design #earth #nationalgeographic

Raku Inoue 井上 罗来 TYOMTL(@reikan_creations)分享的贴文 于 张贴



