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自2020年1月以来,我向中国大陆贡献了5个Covid-19替代疗法,其中包括热柠檬姜茶,以及逆转人体蛋白质缺乏和过度疲劳的方法。作为得到部分接受的方法论指南,其目的仅仅是为了挽救生命于毁灭性的Covid大流行。在最黑暗的时期开始时,促使我参与人道主义行动以挽救Covid-19病人生命的主要原因是,我对在中国武汉拍摄到的录像感到震惊,很多人在街上倒地而死。有人深感恐惧竟然从高层公寓楼的窗户跳下自杀。 “您不必死于像冠状病毒感染综合征那样的疾病!”。不幸的是,预测美国的转折点应该在2020年5月出现失败了。因为唐纳德·特朗普总统大胆的羟氯喹倡导在4月份遭到伪证挫败。随后FDA撤销了颁发给羟氯喹的临时“临床试验”许可。死亡率随后迅速攀升。全国各地医院的Covid-19伤亡人数急剧上升。我为羟氯喹在美国纽约南区地方法院(20-3067-RA)寻求Mandamus令状而进行的法律斗争并未带来迅速而积极的结果。现在,由于所有非医学方面干扰羟氯喹当作治疗过滤性慢病毒流行病的合力在大选后逐渐消失,今天应该是大家一心来专注于这一挽救生命的崇高事业的时候了。

  1. HCQ的发现及其抗病毒作用

氯喹(CQ)是一种9-氨基喹啉,于1934年被发现。羟氯喹(HCQ)是一种具有更强治疗效果的先进CQ类型,是基于神谕在中国开始的临床试验中海选出来的一种古老药物,已被使用。与致命的大流行瘟疫作斗争。羟氯喹之前,还没有有效的药物来治疗由Flu到Covid-19甚至AIDS这类滤过性慢病毒引起的各种传染病的有效化学配方。已经表明,羟氯喹(HCQ)对流感病毒SARS-CoV和SARS-CoV2及其变异分枝Covid-19病毒感染灵长类动物细胞的滤过性慢病毒具有显效能以此进行有效的治疗。人类首次发现羟氯喹(HCQ)对广谱滤过性慢病毒病毒具有抑制作用和较低/极微弱毒副作用的治疗效果。对病毒性流感和新冠综合征具有极强的抗病毒作用。此外,临床试验证明,每天接受200-600mg 羟氯喹(HCQ)剂量的每个成员三到五天治疗期间显示出几乎接近100%的康复结果。对于急性流感患者,小剂量服药一到三次,症状全部消失。

  1. HCQ治疗Covid-19的临床评价

严重急性呼吸系统综合症(SARS)及其新类型变异Covid-19,是由新发现的冠状病毒SARS-CoV2引起的。 Covid-19是一种新兴疾病,于2019年末在中国湖北省首次报道。该疾病迅速传播到整个世界,对美国造成了最严重的影响,Covid-19相关的死亡人数已达到六位数,全球范围内的努力因非医学并发症(这对人类而言非常不幸)而失败,未能鉴定出冠状病毒科(冠状病毒科的新成员)的病原体冠状病毒,再加上未能找到和鉴定最有效和可用的治疗与医学无关的并发症的药物成为借口。2005年之前,确实没有有效的预防或暴露后的治疗方法。

值得注意的是,据报道,每天服用400-800毫克羟氯喹治疗Covid-19并发症前患者获得100%的清除率和奇迹结果,所有病毒均被消除。(1) Vladimir Zelenko博士和其他人使用他的HCQ-基于鸡尾酒的鸡尾酒已经在临床试验中成功治疗了数百名Covid-19患者,他最近预测,从英国传播的Covid-19病毒的新变种也在羟氯喹HCQ治疗区范围之内。(2)(今年三月初钟南山院士在全国医学科学连线会议宣布磷酸氯奎对治疗早期新冠具有显效。)

此外,在使用羟氯喹HCQ治疗Covid-19患者的临床试验中,有一些失败或不足的报道。这种零星的故障被用来恶意攻击羟氯喹HCQ。未公开的原因可能是由于剂量不足或为时已晚。Vladimir Zelenko博士的不足在于并非在所有Covid-19病例中都必须千篇一律的鸡尾酒疗法。对于没有发现细菌感染或炎症的早期Covid-19患者,是不需要抗生素更不需要大剂量抗生素的。但是,对于已经历Covid-19病毒触发的非病毒性并发症的晚期患者,单纯使用羟氯喹HCQ则为时已晚。在后期,该过程需要支持性对症治疗,例如抗生素,抗炎,抗血栓形成/抗凝血和/或降低自身免疫性风暴疗法,也可谨慎地使用后遗症严重的万金油激素疗法。另外,如瑞典的经验所示,抗生素过量也会造成严重后果,因此必须采取预防措施。

  1. 羟氯喹HCQ极为低毒

改良的羟氯喹HCQ配方已被广泛用于治疗人类疾病,例如疟疾,阿米巴病,HIV,狼疮和自身免疫性细胞因子风暴,而没有明显有害的副作用,即使对于孕妇也绝对安全。尽管这种效果似乎比大多数(如果不是全部)FDA批准的用于治疗癌症患者的化疗药物不知道要安全多少倍。尽管在大多数文明国家的《药物规范》中早就包含了这种化学疗法的指南。但是,最近还是对羟氯喹服用后的安全性和毒副作用做了持续一年之久的双盲临床实验。美国国立卫生研究院相关诊所于2012年3月至2013年3月对103例狼疮患者进行了一项观察羟氯喹HCQ安全性的临床试验。对照组每个成员每日HCQ 200-400 mg的剂量,累积总量高达144000毫克。没有,重复一遍,羟氯喹HCQ服用组中没有任何人遭受任何可见的副作用。(3)太安全了。

羟氯喹HCQ的分子“重量”为434(433.96)单位。体外有效消除显示10μM 氯喹CQ或5μM 羟氯喹HCQ,消除了100%的广谱过滤慢病毒。在通过数学模型考虑了所有可能的降解率之后,治愈Covid-19早期患者或Flu患者的平均剂量应为2.17 mg / kg体重。对于Covid-19中晚期患者,应该增加剂量为为6.21 mg / kg体重。因此,每日剂量200-600mg口服就足够了。一周剂量将有效地消除几乎所有病毒感染并消除体内病毒。由于羟氯喹HCQ表现出极低的毒性,因此如果临床剂量每天增加至400-800 mg,则在临床试验中短时间(例如,连续处方少于6个月)不会产生任何具有统计意义的毒副作用。对于相对超重的患者,前两天口服剂量为800毫克,不会引起毒性反应。

  1. CQ氯喹和羟氯喹HCQ的感染前和感染后效果


最近,Vincent等人报道在Vero E6细胞中用0.1μMCQ或0.05μMHCQ进行预处理可将感染率降低28%,而将10μM 氯喹CQ或5μM 羟氯喹HCQ进行预处理可将感染率降低100%(图1).1

该研究还评估了病毒吸附后氯喹CQ的即时作用,他们发现在病毒吸附后3和5 小时加入氯喹可以有效地清除感染的病毒(图2)。1电子显微镜分析表明,在5-6 h内出现了大量的细胞外病毒颗粒4这些数据表明,用氯喹CQ预处理Vero E6细胞使这些细胞难以抵抗SARS-CoV感染,感染后给予氯喹CQ显示出明显治愈作用。


4.2 羟氯喹HCQ阻止了Covid-19与刺突糖蛋白的结合

当在细胞外添加氯喹时,氯喹CQ的非质子化部分进入细胞,在那里质子化并浓缩在酸性,低pH的细胞器中,例如内体,高尔基囊泡和溶酶体。 氯喹CQ可以多种方式影响病毒感染,抗病毒作用部分取决于病毒利用内体进入的程度。除了羟氯喹HCQ的众所周知的功能(例如提高内体pH平衡)外,该药物似乎还干扰了细胞受体血管紧张素转换酶2ACE2)的末端糖基化。这可能会对病毒受体的结合产生阻抗等负面影响并消除感染,并因水泡pH值的升高而产生进一步的治疗后果,从而在临床允许的浓度范围内对流感综合征,SARS CoV和Covid-19的感染和传播产生全面和奇迹般的抑制作用。已经被中国各地医院的临床试验证明其显效。(在美国何尝不是呢?)

在人类八十多年的抗病毒药物研究中,生命科学家们长期以来一直致力于阻止病毒剑突糖蛋白(类似于信号输出天线)与宿主细胞的ACE2受体之间的连接附着,以消除与细胞受体的病毒结合,从而遏制引发病毒感染。这种研究思路一以贯之,长达八十多年几乎没有进展。以Covid-19和Sars为例,SARS-CoV的出芽发生在高尔基体中,并导致包膜刺突糖蛋白掺入到病毒体中。刺突糖蛋白是一种I型膜蛋白,可促进病毒附着于细胞受体并引发感染,血管紧张素转换酶2(ACE2)已被鉴定为这种过滤性慢病毒(包括SARS-CoV和Covid)的功能性细胞受体。Vincent等人最近发现,刺突蛋白的加工受到弗林蛋白酶样转化酶的影响,并且特定抑制剂对这种裂解的抑制作用消除了细胞病变,并显着降低了病毒效价(图3)。相反, 羟氯喹HCQ的抗病毒作用可能不是由于病毒糖蛋白生物合成和加工过程的改变。(1)与之前的分析一致,(1)他们观察到了较大蛋白质的存在,在这里被称为寡聚物。最近,Song女士等研究者提供的证据表明这些是SARS-CoV穗蛋白的同源三聚体,并已掺入病毒体中。



疫苗,特别是mRNA类疫苗,属于体内免疫系统增强作用类,其改变人类基因的潜在因素不可忽视,且跟不上病毒突变速度。自行车赶飞弹。疫苗不是直接用来消除病毒的化学杀毒剂杀手,当羟氯喹HCQ密度达到10 MU时,体外可100%消除病毒。对于这种代际突变过快的病毒(例如Covid-19),疫苗的开发速度是否可以与该代际突变相匹配,并且毒性评估可能还不清楚。羟氯喹已被证明是有效的或什至是全效的,在体内没有或几乎没有毒性副作用。今天,我们见证了由羟氯喹HCQ领导的具有里程碑意义的转折点,它是一种经过验证的有效的广谱抗病毒剂,几乎没有毒性的副作用,这为Lord带来了“ Great Grace好消息”,从而挽救了成千上万的大流行病毒患者的生命。一场开创性的医学革命,就像发现青霉素以消除八十年前的各种致死细菌一样,开始了。新冠综合征对人类的另类贡献巨大,尽管代价惨重!另外,羟氯喹本身具有降低自身免疫性风暴的有益功能。此外,氯喹还具有改善患者的酸碱平衡水平的作用。


在1928年苏格兰科学家亚历山大·弗莱明(Alexander Fleming)发现青霉素之前,细菌是主要的死亡原因。自1942年起,医学界开始使用青霉素来治疗细菌感染,医学界这种漫长的黑暗夜晚已经结束。其中包括抗葡萄球菌青霉素,氨基青霉素和抗假单胞菌青霉素。(5)它们来自青霉素真菌。青霉素的发现是治疗人类疾病的医学领域的一场伟大革命,其中许多疾病在青霉素之前非常致命。因此,为表彰亚历山大·弗莱明(Alexander Fleming)博士,他与牛津大学的科学家霍华德·弗洛里(Howard Florey)博士和恩斯特·鲍里斯·链博士(Ernst Boris Chain)共同获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,后者开发了改良的青霉素配方,广泛用于临床治疗。




1 Vincent,M.J。等人。 氯喹是SARS冠状病毒感染和扩散的有效抑制剂。 Virol J 2,69,doi:10.1186 / 1743-422X-2-69(2005)。

2 Zhao,M.细胞因子风暴和COVID-19中的免疫调节疗法:氯喹和抗IL-6单克隆抗体的作用。 Int J Antimicrob Agents 55,105982,doi:10.1016 / j.ijantimicag.2020.105982(2020)。

3 Derwand,R.,Scholz,M.和Zelenko,V. COVID-19门诊患者:锌加小剂量羟氯喹和阿奇霉素的早期风险分层治疗:回顾性病例系列研究。 Int J Antimicrob Agents 56,106214,doi:10.1016 / j.ijantimicag.2020.106214(2020)。

4 Ng,M.L.,Tan,S.H。,参见E.E.,Ooi,E.E。和Ling,A.E.SARS冠状病毒在vero细胞中的早期感染。 J Med Virol 71,323-331,doi:10.1002 / jmv.10499(2003)。

5 Tan,J.S。&File,T.M.,Jr.Antiseseudomonal青霉素。 Med Clin North Am 79,679-693,doi:10.1016 / s0025-7125(16)30032-3(1995)。




This manuscript was written under the urgent pressure of being motivated in saving lives of Covid-19 epidemics which has claimed more than 500,000 American lives since February 2020, most likely due to virtual absence of correct therapy. The author is not a professional virologist/epidemiologist. With family background of Chinese traditional herbal medicine, this author had extensive learning experience interacting in appendices nature with the world’s improved ways to produce and concentrate on the drug and prove its antiviral effects following topnotch scientists in medical science mostly in the NIH, the world’s most prestigious headquarter compound representing the most cutting-edge life science development. Since January 2020, this author contributed 5 Covid-19 alternative therapy package involving hot-lemon ginger tea to ways to reverse protein deficiency and over-fatigue, to HCQs, in China, as partially accepted methodology guidelines whose mere motive is to save lives from devastating Covid pandemics.  The driving cause pushing this author to involve himself in humanitarian crusade in saving lives of Covid-19 patients during starting the darkest period is what he was shocked by what he watched video footage taken in Wuhan, China that many collapsed in the streets and deeply scared people having committed suicide by jumping off from the windows of the high rise apartment buildings. “You don’t have to die with this kind of disease as corona virus infected syndrome!” He out-cried.  He has the answer to get fully recovery, for the super majority of Covid patients.  Mr. Ye accurately forecast in earlier February, 2020 that the turning point with 95%+ death toll reduction throughout China should appear in March 2020, in comparison to Academician Zhong Nanshan’s forecasting that the turning point would be in May 2020. Mr. Ye’s forecasting that the turning point in the United States should be May 2020 was unfortunately failed because President Donald Trump’s courageous advocacy of HCQ was defeated by the establishment in April followed with FDA’s revocation of temporary “clinical trial” permit, and further followed with swift climbing up of death tolls of Covid-19 casualty from hospitals throughout the nation. Ning Ye’s legal battle for the sake of HCQ seeking for Writ of Mandamus with U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (20-3067-RA) did not result in prompt and positive outcome. Now, with all non-medical aspects in interfering the HCQ as the crusade to treating filtering lentivirus epidemics dying down after general election, it is high time to concentrate upon this noble cause in saving lives.

  1. The discovery of HCQ and its anti-virus effects

Chloroquine (CQ), a 9-aminoquinoline that was identified in 1934. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), the advanced type of CQ with more effective therapeutic, is an ancient drug in the random selection during the clinical trials starting in China, which has been used in fighting against lethal pandemic. Before, HCQ, there has been no effective drug for the treatment of various infectious diseases caused by lentivirus from Flu to Covid-19, even AIDS. It has been shown that HCQ has effective therapeutic, virus-suppression and lower by effect has strong antiviral effects on filtering lentivirus ranging from flu virus SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV2 and its variation ramification Covid-19 virus infection of primate cells. In addition, clinical trial proves that each member receiving 200-600mg HCQ daily dosage showed 100% recovery result during the three to five-day treatment for acute Flu patients.

  1. Clinical evaluation of HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and its neo-type variation, Covid-19, is caused by a newly discovered coronavirus SARS-CoV2. Covid-19 is an emerging disease that was first reported in Hubei Province, China, in late 2019. The disease rapidly spread to the entire world with most severe impact upon the United States having claimed six digits Covid-19 related deaths and worldwide efforts have failed for non-medical complications, very unfortunately to humanity, in the identification of the etiological agent coronavirus, a novel member of the family Coronaviridae, coupled with wasteful failure in finding and identification of most effective and available treating drug for complications irrelevant to medical science for its own sake. No effective prophylactic or post-exposure therapy had been available before 2005.1

Of note, it has been reported that HCQ administration with daily dosage of 400-800mg HCQ treating Covid-19 pre-complication patients received 100% sweeping and miracle results, all virus were eliminated.1 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and others used his HCQ-based cocktails has successfully treated hundreds of Covid-19 patients in clinic trial and he recently predicted that neo-variation of Covid-19 virus spreading from the UK is also within the sphere of HCQ’s therapeutic zone.2

In addition, there are some reports of failure or inadequacy in the clinical trials of using HCQ to treat Covid-19 patients. Such sporadic failures were used to maliciously attack HCQ. The unrevealed reason is probably due to insufficient or excessive dosage, or too late. Cocktail therapy is not necessarily required in all Covid-19 cases, and large doses of antibiotics are not required for early stage Covid-19 patients without bacterial infection or inflammation. Using HCQ too late, however, for late-stage patients who have experienced non-viral complications triggered by the Covid-19 virus. In the late stages, the process requires supportive symptomatic treatments such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic/anticoagulation and/or anti-autoimmune storm. In addition, as the experience in Sweden shows, preventive measures must be taken.

  1. Low toxicity of HCQ

The improved formula HCQ has been widely used to treat human diseases such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, Lupus and autoimmune cytokine storms, without significant detrimental side effects which appears absolutely safe even to pregnant women. Though such safety by effects, which appears much, much safer than most, if not all, FDA approved chemical agents in chemotherapy treating cancer patients, have long been contained in the Drug Codes in the most civilized nations, however, a one-year long clinical trial to observe HCQ’s safety was conducted by NIH related clinic for a control group of 103 Lupus patients from March 2012 to March 2013. Daily dosage of HCQ 200-400 mg for each member of controlled group, the accumulated total quantity was up to 144000 mg.  None, repeat, none in the HCQ group suffered any visible side effects.3

An HCQ’s molecule “weight” is 434 (433.96). An effective elimination in in vitro shows 10μM CQ or 5 μM HCQ, eliminated broad spectrum filtering lentivirus by 100%.  After all possible degrading ratio is taken into account through mathematical models, the average dosage to heal a Covid-19 or Flu patient with HCQ should be 2.17 mg/kg body weight. For mid and later phase Covid-19 patients, 6.21 mg/kg body weight. Therefore, a daily dosage 200-600mg, oral is sufficient, and a weekly dosage will effectively repeal all viral infection with elimination of virus in vivo. Due to the fact that HCQ shows extreme low toxicity which does not show any statistical value for short period (e.g., less than 6 months period of continuous prescription) administration in clinical trials, if the clinical dosage be increased up to 400-800 mg daily oral dosage for the first two days to relatively overweight patients, it causes no toxicity response.

  1. Preinfection and postinfection effect of CQ and HCQ

HCQ demonstrates full-scale effective in preventing the spread of filtering lentiviral epidemics ranging from acute Flu to Covid-19 and SARS in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with HCQ prior to or after such filtering lentivirus infection on both in vitro experiment in laboratories and in vivo clinical trials in China.1

Recently, Vincent et al., reported that pretreatment with 0.1μM CQ or 0.05μM HCQ, reduced infectivity by 28%, and 10μM CQ or 5 μM HCQ, reduced infectivity by 100% in Vero E6 cells (Figure 1).1 The antiviral effects by CQ immediately after virus adsorption was also evaluated, they found that adding chloroquine 3 and 5 h after virus adsorption effectively removed infected virus (Figure 2).1 Electron microscopic analysis indicated the appearance of significant amounts of extracellular virus particles 5-6 h after infection.4 These data demonstrated that pretreatment of Vero E6 cells with CQ rendered these cells refractory to SARS-CoV infection, and that administration of CQ after infection also showed curative effect.

Figure 1. Prophylactic effect of chloroquine.

Figure 2. Timed post-infection treatment with chloroquine.

4.2 HCQ prevented the binding of Covid-19 with spike glycoprotein

When added extracellularly, the non-protonated portion of CQ enters the cell, where it becomes protonated and concentrated in acidic, low-pH organelles, such as endosomes, Golgi vesicles, and lysosomes. CQ can affect virus infection in many ways, and the antiviral effect depends in part on the extent to which the virus utilizes endosomes for entry. In addition to the well-known functions of HCQ’s such as elevations of endosomal pH balancing, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in sweeping and miracle inhibition of infection and spread of Flu syndrome, SARS CoV and Covid-19 at clinically admissible concentrations by all clinical trials in hospitals throughout China.

Over eighty years of antiviral drug research, scientists have long focused on blocking the attachment between the viral spike glycoprotein (similar to the signal output antenna) and the host cell’s ACE2 receptor, to eliminate viral attachment to the cellular receptor that initiates a viral infection. Taking example of Covid-19 and Sars, budding of the SARS-CoV occurs in the Golgi apparatus and results in the incorporation of the envelope spike glycoprotein into the virion. The spike glycoprotein is a type I membrane protein that facilitates viral attachment to the cellular receptor and initiation of infection, and angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) has been identified as a functional cellular receptor of such filtering lentivirus including SARS-CoV and Covid-19. Vincent et al., have recently shown that the processing of the spike protein was affected by furin-like convertases and that inhibition of this cleavage by a specific inhibitor abrogated cytopathicity and significantly reduced the virus titer (Figure 3).1 In contrast, the antiviral effect of HCQ is probably not due to alteration of virus glycoprotein biosynthesis and processing. Consistent with this previous analysis,1 they observed the presence of a larger protein, which is referred to here as oligomers. Recently, Song et al. provided evidence that these are homotrimers of the SARS-CoV spike protein and were incorporated into the virions.

Figure 3. Effect of lysomotropic agents on the cell-surface expression and biosynthesis of ACE2.

Future clinical application of HCQ in the treatment of Covid-19

Vaccines belongs to in vivo immune system enhancement, not a chemical agent virus killer that directly eliminates viruses, which was shown 100% elimination of virus in vitro when the density of HCQ reached 10MU. For such viruses with too fast intergenerational mutations, such as that of Covid-19, whether the vaccine development speed can match that intergenerational mutation, and the toxicity evaluation may not have been crystal clear. Hydroxychloroquine has proven effective or even full effect with none or insignificantly little toxic side effects in vivo. We have witnessed today that a landmark turning point led by the HCQ as a proven effective broad spectrum anti-virus agent with insignificant little by-effect of toxicity has brought the Good News of Great Grace from Lord, in saving millions of pandemic virus patients as a groundbreaking medical science revolution just like discovery of Penicillin to eliminate various lethal bacteria eighty some years before. In addition, chloroquine itself has the beneficial function of degrading autoimmune storms.  Moreover, chloroquine also has the effect of improving the pH balancing level of the patients.

Is HCQ the second revolution in medical science after penicillin?

Before Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming, bacteria  was the primary cause of death. This long night of darkness in medical science treating human disease has been ended when Penicillin was used to by medicinal society to treat bacteria infections starting 1942. The epoch making new era started when there are several enhanced penicillin families which are effective against additional bacteria; these include the antistaphylococcal penicillinsaminopenicillins and the antipseudomonal penicillins.5 They are derived from Penicillin fungi. Discovery of Penicillin is a great revolution in medical science treating human diseases many of which had been deadly before Penicillin. Consequently, in recognition of Dr. Alexander Fleming, a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to him sharing with Dr. Howard Florey and Dr. Ernst Boris Chain, scientists with Oxford University who developed improved penicillins formulas.

During the same period of approximately eight decades after discovery of Penicillin, the entire medical community through out of the world with orchestrated efforts by generations, has made little progress, if any, to find effective way to discover, formulate and made it available any chemical agents or drugs in fighting against any filtering lentivirus, ranging from that of Flu, of Ebola, of AIDS, of SARS-CoV, and of Covid-19. We have witnessed in great celebration that humanity, thanks the God, has encountered her second year of 1928, this time, yet to be defeated lethal enemy is filtering lentivirus probably by its entire family, which causes such crippling or deadly virus triggering human diseases ranging from Flu, Covid-19 to AIDS. Due to the severity of Covid-19 as well as acute Flu infection, the potential for rapid spread of the filtering lentivirus triggered diseases, and the absence of proven effective and safe in vivo inhibitors of the virus, it is important to identify anti-pandemic drug that can effectively be used to both treat and prevent potential lentiviral infections.

Together with data presented here, showing virus inhibition in cell culture by HCQ doses compatible with patient treatment, recommendation of immediate, full and permanent FDA approval of HCQ to be used in prevention and treating such filtering lentivirus triggered epidemic as Acute Flu,Covid-19 and SARS epidemic patients is strongly recommended.


1              Vincent, M. J. et al. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Virol J 2, 69, doi:10.1186/1743-422X-2-69 (2005).

2              Zhao, M. Cytokine storm and immunomodulatory therapy in COVID-19: Role of chloroquine and anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibodies. Int J Antimicrob Agents 55, 105982, doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105982 (2020).

3              Derwand, R., Scholz, M. & Zelenko, V. COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study. Int J Antimicrob Agents 56, 106214, doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106214 (2020).

4              Ng, M. L., Tan, S. H., See, E. E., Ooi, E. E. & Ling, A. E. Early events of SARS coronavirus infection in vero cells. J Med Virol 71, 323-331, doi:10.1002/jmv.10499 (2003).

5              Tan, J. S. & File, T. M., Jr. Antipseudomonal penicillins. Med Clin North Am 79, 679-693, doi:10.1016/s0025-7125(16)30032-3 (1995).


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