
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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二零零五年三月我才读到汉密斯采访我后写的报导:“中国洗脑集中营内幕(Inside China’s brainwashing gulag)”



汉密斯的另一篇报导,“法轮功揭露中共监狱如地狱(Falun Gong reveals jail‘hell’)”,于同一天登上了澳洲另一家大报《时代报》(The Age)的第二版。







I had stayed here and there homelessly in mainland China since finishing the interview with Hamish.

By pay phone, Father told me not to come home under any circumstances, 610 was looking for me, and he was being followed as well.

Afterward my parents immigrated to Australia, and I went on staying here and there in mainland China.

Not until March, 2005 did I get to read the article Hamish wrote after interviewing me, “Inside China’s brainwashing gulag”.

The article was published in the front page of Sydney Morning Herald on October, 16, 2004.

Said it was the first time a Chinese woman was reported in the front page of a mainstream Australian newspaper.

Hamish’s another article, “Falun Gong reveals jail ‘hell’”, was published on another mainstream Australian newspaper, The Age, on the same day.

In the evening of December 2, 2005, my sister told me Hamish just won a Walkley Award for his coverage of Falun Gong.

My sister and I wept at the news, recalling Ian winning the Pulitzer Prize four years earlier. History had repeated itself once again.

In my heart, I said “Thank you” to Hamish, and to all the correspondents who had justly reported on Falun Dafa and this evil persecution.

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