
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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I went to Zhang’s home to take part in a gathering.

Zhang was a middle-aged Beijing fellow practitioner. His home was in a wealthy neighborhood, where there was a security guard in the doorway of every apartment building. While I was waiting for the lift, the security guard stared at me suspiciously.

In the spacious living room of Zhang’s home, over twenty Dafa practitioners were talking while making dumplings at a big dining table. The atmosphere was so peaceful as if no one knew that police might burst in any moment.

All of the Dafa practitioners present had stepped forward to safeguard Dafa since the very beginning of the persecution, thus, having tempered themselves and developed the lofty character of remaining cool and collected in the face of danger.

Zhang was witty. When he was put in jail he told the guard interrogating him with great fervor how miraculous Dafa was. Upon undergoing four months of torture in the jail, he was once again interrogated by the same guard, who asked him, “Now, do you still dare to tell me how miraculous Falun Gong is?”

Zhang replied, “Now, I want to tell you more about how miraculous Falun Gong is!”

We went on talking while cooking and eating the dumplings.

Upon eating up the dumplings, we took seat in the living room and talked freely. Some talked about how they had resisted the evil persecution while they were detained behind bars; some discussed how to clarify the truth to fellow mainland Chinese; some discussed how to help the fellow practitioners behind bars and their families; some discussed how to open some businesses so as to provide job opportunities to the fellow practitioners who had been fired by their workplaces…

Though the topics were serious, the practitioners were so witty I laughed in my heart; and each of them was like a magnificent general, winning my great admiration.

At the gathering, a female practitioner introduced to me a male practitioner in his twenties, who looked composed and confident. “This is Wang. He has been disclosing the CCP’s sins of persecuting Dafa practitioners through the Internet. Aren’t you looking for the way of contacting Miss Chen Zixiu’s family? Maybe Wang knows.”

Wang smiled at me, “I know.”

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