
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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As the practitioner related her story, three female practitioners excused themselves for the bathroom one by one. The bathroom was outside the flat, being shared with a neighbor.

A gang of policemen soon arrived in police cars and immediately ransacked the flat.
A policeman asked the host loudly while ransacking, “Do you have Zhuan Falun here? Give me a copy to read! I really want to find out why you guys are so devoted to Falun Gong!” Another policeman immediately roared at him, “Don’t you read! Once you read you’ll practice too!”
We were forcibly taken to the nearby police station in two police cars. On the way we recited Master Li’s poems in unison. The policemen thundered at us, “Shut up!” We went on reciting.

The policeman wanting to read Zhuan Falun sat by me in the car. He didn’t tell us to shut up; he quietly listened to our reciting smilingly.

The instant the police cars got to the police station, a storm of yellow dust started blowing fiercely. Dirty yellow dust instantly filled up the air!

As if Heaven were feeling indignant at what the CCP did.

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