
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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The ruffians dragged us into the basement of the office building and fiercely beat us there.

A ruffian kept slapping Yin’s face ferociously.

“It’s illegal to beat people!” twenty-eight-year-old Yin said to the ruffian.

“Illegal? I only slapped one side of your face! If you dare say another word I’ll slap the other side of your face!”

Yin silently turned the other side of her face to the ruffian, looking him straight in the eye.

Murmuring some swearing words, the ruffian walked out.

We were tortured in the basement for two days and nights, being handcuffed together in an excruciatingly painful posture. The ruffians forced my fellow practitioners to identify themselves and forced me to betray them.

Yin was tortured most severely.

When a ruffian, pen and paper in hand, thundered at us, “Tell me! Where are you from?! If you don’t tell we’ll torture you till you tell! I don’t believe I can’t pry open you four women’s mouths!” Yin’s lips trembled, seeming about to open her mouth and tell.

The ruffian looked at her complacently.

Yin, who had been tortured to extreme fatigue, suddenly recited Master Li’s Hong Yin loudly.

Yin’s voice echoed around the dark, gloomy basement.

We three fellow practitioners immediately joined her reciting.

The ruffian slumped down onto a chair and murmured to himself in puzzlement, “How come they didn’t fear pain? How come they didn’t fear pain?”

A terribly drunken ruffian suddenly stumbled in and swore at us fiercely.

Yin’s fearless voice sounded again, “It’s illegal for a policeman to get drunk while on duty, if you are a policeman.”

The drunken ruffian thundered, “If you dare say another word I’ll smash you to the dirt!”

“It’s more severe a crime for a drunken policeman to beat people!”

The drunken ruffian instantly froze on the spot, his eyes glaring hollowly at Yin.

Yin’s fearless big eyes looked him straight in the eye.

He suddenly said to Yin in a pleasing tone, “I’ll undo your handcuffs. Let’s have a talk. Okay?”

“Then please first undo the handcuffs for my fellow practitioners.”

“Nonono! I’ll only undo yours.”

“Then you don’t have to undo it for me either.”

“Okokok! I’ll undo the handcuffs for you all! Let’s have a talk?”

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