
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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At 11p.m., August 23, 2000, a woman suddenly knocked at the door of my flat, claiming that she was from the Neighborhood Administration Committee and needed to check the residents’ ID cards. My husband was out on a business trip and I was home alone then.

Upon opening up, I saw a man and a woman standing in the doorway, hidden behind them were two hideous policemen wearing wicked looks, exactly like the goblins from hell.

They instantly ransacked my flat.

Upon ransacking they abducted me into the Detention Center of Haizhu District.

A guard announced to me in front of a cell, “Yiwen Tang, you have been sentenced to two years of forced labor.”

When I questioned about the legal grounds for the sentence, he said it was the high-ups’ order and he knew nothing about it. When I asked if I could inform my family and the English school, he said no.

The cell was cramped, dark, and dirty.

Every morning, the loudspeaker on the wall of the cell thundered out the Regulations in Jail for half an hour. All the detainees in the cell were forced to recite along with the loudspeaker loudly.

I wouldn’t recite.

Dafa practitioners detained behind bars all refused to recite the Regulations in Jail. In a fellow practitioners’ gathering in Beijing, a nineteen-year-old practitioner told us that she refused to recite the Regulations in Jail while being detained in a detention center, the guards thus stuffed dirty socks into her mouth, but she still refused to recite it.

I quietly taught Master Li’s poems to a middle-aged lady.

She was an accountant and was put in here due to accepting bribery. Her high-ups had accepted more dirty money and yet didn’t have to be imprisoned, as they had power and money. She was made the scapegoat.

She admired and praised Master Li’s teachings as really true and right, “I wouldn’t have had today had I obtained Dafa earlier.”

She gave me her home number and pleaded with me to teach her husband, her son, and her son’s girlfriend to learn Dafa once I was released. “I’m now praying to Buddha every day for your quick release, for my being able to meet Dafa practitioners too in prison later, so that I can continue studying Dafa!”

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