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【大纪元2012年08月23日讯】(大纪元记者杜国辉纽约报导) 随着11月大选的临近,民主党、共和党及其他党派各路人马的竞争越来越激烈。 而最吸引纽约华人注意力的,要算是新画出的联邦众议院第六选区的民主党候选人孟昭文与共和党候选人郝乐阮之间的竞争了。在前段时间中,郝乐阮(竞选团队)指孟昭文不敢披露自己的筹款“中间人”,而孟昭文选战发言人则表示,在联邦级别的选举中没有通常大家所知的“中间人”这种概念。 大家一直在争论,并进而争论候选人是否应该披露有关的信息。为了更好的帮助选民了解选举制度及其中的运作,日前记者采访了联邦选举委员会(Federal Election Commission)及纽约市竞选财务委员会(New York City Campaign Finance Board)的相关人员。

有相当数量的华人是从日前联邦调查局调查刘淳逸选举筹款“中间人”(Bundler 或 Intermediary)潘心武等人案开始了解这个名词的。在上述案中,“中间人”是根据纽约市竞选财务委员会相关法律和规章而来。 在纽约竞选财务法案(Campaign Finance Act)(即纽约市行政管理法规第3部,第7章)中有对“中间人”的明确定义:任何实际上帮助竞选者(的团队)传递捐款的人、团体都可定义为“中间人”。但并不包括捐款人的配偶、伴侣、子女等。

(英文原文如下:“The term “intermediary” shall mean an individual, corporation, partnership, political committee, employee organization or other entity which, (i) other than in the regular course of business as a postal, delivery or messenger service, delivers any contribution from another person or entity to a candidate or authorized committee; or (ii) solicits contributions to a candidate or other authorized committee where such solicitation is known to such candidate or his or her authorized committee. For purposes of clause (ii) of this subdivision only persons clearly identified as the solicitor of a contribution to the candidate or his or her authorized committee shall be presumed to be known to such candidate or his or her authorized committee. “Intermediary” shall not include spouses, domestic partners, parents, children or siblings of the person making such contribution, or any fundraising agent, as such term is defined in the rules of the board or any hosts of a campaign sponsored fundraising event paid for in whole or in part by the campaign. Where there are multiple individual hosts for a non-campaign sponsored event, the hosts shall designate one such host as the intermediary.”)

据纽约市竞选财务委员会的一位官员介绍,联邦级别的选举财务管理要求只申报注册的说客(lobbyist/registrant)或说客政治行动委员会(lobbyist/registrant PAC 即Political Action Committee)作为中间人筹集的捐款。

根据联邦选举委员会的定义,则根据筹款性质有如下表述:联邦法律(要求申报的捐款)只适用于由注册的说客或说客政治行动委员会(lobbyist/registrant PAC 即Political Action Committee)作为中间人筹集的捐款。这类捐款只要超过申报下限就必须申报。(上述内容原文如下:“The federal law would only apply to contributions received by federal candidate committees, Leadership PACs and party committees that were bundled by lobbyists, registrants and lobbyist/registrant PACs. The committees would be required to disclose this bundled contributions if they meet the reporting threshold.”)

但是,联邦选举委员会2011年发布的选战指南(Campaign Guide)(关于“候选人及其选举委员会”(Congressional Candidates and Committees)部分的附录A“指定用途的捐款”(Appendix A Earmarked Contributions)中第5节又规定,任何“指定用途的捐款”都必须经中间人(Conduit or Intermediary) 和接受捐款的竞选团队/委员会双方申报。中间人必须遵照特别报告的规定申报。

