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Calgary Chinese Newspaper, Epoch Times

Calgary's Largest Chinese Newspaper and Online Media Outlet

人氣: 754

The Epoch Times is the most influential and most popular Chinese newspaper among Chinese communities in Calgary. The Epoch Times was established in 2000 in the United States, publishing in Chinese language at first with a website and newspaper. It is an independent Chinese media that provides uncensored news to Chinese people who were immersed to the Chinese government’s propaganda and censorship. The unique content and the pursuit of freedom of press and humanity has gained Epoch Times high reputations and popularity in society.

As the No.1 Chinese media in Calgary, Epoch Times has the biggest circulation among Chinese newspaper. The weekly publication on Friday reaches over 50,000 readership covering more than 300 locations in the city. The readers can get our newspaper from all Real Canadian Superstores, a large number of Asian restaurants, shopping malls, retail stores, community centres, bus and C-Train stations. Its circulation has grown 66% in the past four years.

Here’s the map of Epoch Times newspaper distribution in Calgary.

Calgary Chinese Epoch Times has strong online presence. The readers not only can find the latest news and information on our website, but also read the weekly publications online through e-paper.

Our Calgary Epoch Times group also launched a new Chinese site “Epoch Times Calgary Life Net” in May 2017, which offers rich local resources that cover news, health, immigration, real-estate, auto, financial investment, education, consuming guidance, food, travel, and so on. The new website is devoted to offer readers the most interesting content, the richest news, and the most practical information.

Not only the Epoch Times Chinese newspaper has been successful, it has also become an influential media among western society. The Epoch Times is published in 21 languages online and 8 languages in print, and it’s distributed in 35 countries. The Epoch Times media group also reaches out over 100 million English-speaking readers in the world through digital and social media.

The Epoch Times is fully committed to its readers and business partners. Following our principle of Credibility, Trust, and Value, Epoch Times has taken the interests of our readers and advertisers as the number one priority in conducting business.

Contact US

Address: #3, 1916 – 30 Ave NE Calgary AB Canada T2E 7B2
Telephone: +1-403-250-5942
Fax: +1-403-250-5943
Weekly E-paper:
Local Chinese Life website:
Global Website:
