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Eating Well in a Slum

本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=156&a=4468(可线上观看)

1.slum :n. 贫民区
2.soar :v. 上扬
3.resident :n. 居民
4.supplement :n. 补充;补给品
5.ancient :a. 古老的
6.maze :n. 迷宫
7.canal :n. 运河
8.the masses :n. 群众

Anchor: As world food prices continue to soar , many of Mexico City’s poorer residents take to the old-fashioned way. They supplement their meals with vegetables they grow in urban gardens.

STORY: Under the rule of the ancient Aztecs, Mexico City was a maze of canals and floating gardens that grew corn and beans to feed the masses . 新闻内容:在古阿兹特克人统治时,墨西哥市是一座运河和浮动园圃的迷宫,园里种满了给民众吃的玉米和豆子。

9.metropolis :n. 大都市
10.expert :n. 专家
11.patch :n. 一小块地
12.dump :v. 倾倒

Hundreds of years later, the government of this concrete metropolis of 20 million people is promoting urban vegetable gardens as a way to ease the burden of soaring food prices faced by poor families.

Marcelo Ebrard, the mayor, has sent groups of gardening experts out to build community gardens. Over 20 urban vegetable patches have been planted since last year, some in areas formerly used to dump trash, and the city government wants to build at least 20 more. 市长厄伯拉特已经派出多组园圃专家去建立社区园圃。去年以来,他们已建立了20几个都会菜圃。有些菜圃是以前的垃圾集中地。市政府想再建造少20个以上的菜圃。(translated by Sunny Chao)

13.cabbages :n. 白菜
14.chard :n. 唐莴苣
15.nurture :v. 培育
16.organic fertilizer :n.有机肥料
17.dish :n. 碟;菜肴
18.squash :n. 南瓜
19.spinach :n. 波菜
20.artificial beaches :n.人工海滩

[Laurentino Esteban Fuentes, Urban Gardener]: “We have chiles, tomatoes, cabbages , coriander, chard .” Under the urban gardens program, neighborhoods find suitable spaces and the city government provides seeds, tools and technical assistance from agronomists who teach them how to nurture the plants and make organic
城市园丁Laurentino Esteban Fuentes说:“我们已经种了红番椒、番茄、白菜、香菜、唐莴苣。”根据城市园圃计划,由市民来寻找合适的土地,市政府提供种子、工具、和农学家的技术支缓,教他们如何培育植物、使用有机肥料。

[Maria Carmen Farias, Urban Gardener]: “We come, harvest, each one of us takes out a little of everything. We prepare our dish es with squash , spinach , chard and each one of us takes a bit. In time, we hope to sell.” 城市园丁Maria Carmen Farias说:我们种田、收割,每个人付出一些。我们做好有南瓜、菠菜、唐莴苣的菜肴,每个人拿走一些。我们希望有一天可以出售。

[Pedro Ponce, Agronomist, Program Director]: “This project contributes to the economy of the family. We first think about food self-sufficiency. Obviously if we have an excess it goes to the market.”
农学家、计划总监Pedro Ponce说:“这个计划有助于家庭经济。我们首先考虑食物自给自足,还有剩余显然会流向市场。”

Mayor Ebrard’s has already created several public projects like cycle lanes, artificial beaches and an outdoor ice rink, all popular with the residents.


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