
人气 2

【大纪元3月23日讯】应广大中国人民的强烈要求,正在全球接力传递的“人权圣火”3月23日开始传入中国大陆,并于这一天直至8月间在全中国巡回传递。数千万遭受中共欺压迫害、不满腐败暴政和追求自由公正人权的中国人将参与传递。在这一天,香港举行了人权圣火进入中国大陆誓师大会及游行,以下是人权无国界(Human Rights Without Frontiers International)代表Pastor Steve的发言。







欧洲议会副主席麦志德(Edward McMillan-Scott)同样支持抵制行动。他向英国《约克郡邮报》说:“不同于国际制裁,抵制是有效的”。他最近在伦敦一次示威活动中,谴责中共违背它在获得奥运主办权时作出的改善人权的承诺,并呼吁欧盟就抵制奥运作出“严肃的辩论。”

当胡佳、高智晟与其他著名中国维权人士冒着一切危险,乞求宁要人权不要奥运的时候,欧盟的领袖却犹豫了,他们试图回避问题,发表软弱的言论,甚至站到了镇压者的一方。欧洲委员会发言人(Pia Ahrenkilde)宣称她忽略“欧洲委员会主席若泽.曼努埃尔.巴罗佐会否出席奥运”的问题。欧洲委员会的发言人们认为“抵制并不是合适的回应”。欧洲议会主席汉斯.格特.珀特林呼吁抗议者与北京双方克制,仿佛他们对今次危机有同等责任。欧盟外长哈维尔‧索拉纳则采取了最令人失望的态度,说“只要是奥运的话,我都打算到场”。






Ladies and gentlemen,

Once more, the blood of Tibetan Buddhists has flowed in Lhasa after five days of peaceful protests in memory of the anniversary of the 1959 rebellion against Chinese occupation. Whether the victims number 10, 80, 100 or more, China’s resort to violence shows once again that Chinese leaders have not abandoned the methods of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

On the eve of the Olympics Beijing is being besieged by its own failures on the Tibet issue and on a wide range of other fronts, revealing gaping cracks of hypocrisy in its wall of pretended social harmony.

A wave of international outcry has joined the wave of protests that broke out in Tibet and in neighbouring provinces. New voices in favour of a boycott have added further to ethical stands previously taken by high-ranking personalities and celebrities.

Prince Charles had already pledged before the last tragic events to disregard any invitation to attend the Olympics because of the ongoing human rights violations. Steven Spielberg had resigned as artistic advisor for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games, citing Beijing’s support for the genocidal regime in Khartoum.

Now, Richard Gere, a Hollywood actor and an outspoken supporter of the Tibetan cause, said there should be a worldwide boycott of the Games and it would be “unconscionable” to attend the Olympics if Beijing failed to deal peacefully with the long-simmering and legitimate resentment of the Tibetans.

Edward McMillan-Scott, vice-president of the European Parliament, is also in favour of a boycott: “Unlike sanctions, boycotts work,” he said in the Yorkshire Post. At a recent demonstration in London, he accused China of reneging on promises it made to improve human rights when it was granted the Olympics and called for a “serious debate” in the EU about a boycott.

While Hu Jia, Gao Zhisheng and other prominent Chinese human rights defenders have taken all the risks by begging human rights instead of Olympic Games, the EU leaders hesitate, try to evade the issue and make soft statements or take sides with the oppressors. Commission spokesperson Pia Ahrenkilde said she ignored “whether Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso would be attending the Olympics.” The Commission spokespeople considered that “a boycott was not a suitable response.” The president of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering, called upon both the protesters and Beijing to show restraint as if they were equally responsible for the crisis. Javier Solana, the EU’s foreign policy chief took the most disappointing attitude when he said “As far as the Olympic Games are concerned, I intend to be there.”

“It is time for the civilized world to wake up to what is really happening in the hidden China, a terror state like no other,” Edward McMillan-Scott has been saying for more than a year. In phase with the Chinese activists and victims of the Communist regime, he refused last year to shake hands with the head of the Chinese delegation at the European Parliament.

Despite these European false notes in the world orchestra of protests, many consciences are waking up and a new dynamic is on the move. The warning addressed to Beijing is now clear: if the Chinese Communist Party does not marshal its resources to make substantial improvements in its human rights record, the Olympics will become a public relations debacle.

Human Rights Without Frontiers International calls upon Heads of State, Prime Ministers, Royal Families, Heads of the European Institutions, Members of the European and national Parliaments to ignore invitations from Beijing to attend the Games and to refuse to sit next to a president and ministers who are responsible for the latest bloodshed in Tibet, the torture of Falun Gong practitioners, the detention of human rights activists, the murderous one-child policy, and the execution of North Korean refugees forcibly repatriated to their country.

No Ethics? No Olympics!

Human Rights Without Frontiers International)


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