
David Lee
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Speaking Up for Truth on June 4th

June 4th marked the 16th anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre in Beijing. While people the world over gathered in remembrance, many family members of those who died remained under house arrest in China.

【讲解】1. mark=commemorate, 纪念 2.anniversary,周年 3.massacre=slaughter, 大屠杀 4. house arrest, 软禁

While people the world over gathered in remembrance, 副词子句
• many family members 主词
– of those who died 介系词词组
• remained under house arrest 动词+主词补语
– in China. 介系词词组

Over 200 people rallied outside the Chinese consulate in Vancouver chanting the slogans “speak up for truth” and “refuse to be forgotten”

【讲解】1.rally, 群众集会 2. consulate, 领事馆 3. chant, 高喊

A rally participant, Mr. Shi spoke at the gathering. He said,” 16 years have passed; the Chinese communist party still insists the crackdown was to stabilize the society. The massacre ended all the efforts of one nation’s self realization; it has resulted in government officials seizing any opportunity to corrupt the country.”

【讲解】1. participant, 参与者 2. gathering, 聚会 3. result in, 造成 4. seize, 抓住 5. corrupt, 贪污

He also spoke about the many discrepancies in China’s economy. He described his visit to China last year and how he was astonished by the poverty of the Chinese farmers. He described how only those related to Chinese officials become wealthy and that wealth is built on the poverty of over one billion people.

【讲解】1. discrepancy, 不符合,差异 2. describe, 描述

He also said,” We should understand that the CCP is the root of the nation’s disasters. There is new China when there is no CCP.”

Mr. Huang, one of the Rally members told reporters that since many of the Chinese people have read the Nine commentaries published by the Epoch Times they have a clearer understanding of the Chinese communist party. He said the Nine Commentaries has spoken what the Chinese people dare not say.

• Mr. Huang, one of the Rally members 同位语
• told reporters that 动词+间接受词+直接受词(that引导一个名词子句)
– since many of the Chinese people have read the Nine commentaries 副词子句
• published by the Epoch Times 分词词组
– they have a clearer understanding 主词+动词+受词
• of the Chinese communist party. 介系词词组

Since The Epoch times published a series of articles entitled Nine commentaries on the Communist Party there has been a massive wave of withdrawals from the Chinese Communist party.

【讲解】1. publish, 出版 2. entitle, 标题 3. massive=huge=vast, 巨大的 4. withdrawal=resignation, 退出

– Since The Epoch times published a series of articles 副词子句
• entitled Nine commentaries on the Communist Party 分词词组
• there has been a massive wave of withdrawals 主要子句,完成式
– from the Chinese Communist party. 介系词词组

The number has surpassed 2 million with over 20,000 people resigning each day. The resignations are posted on the Epoch Times website and are the subject of mass censorship by the CCP.

【讲解】1. surpass=outnumber, 超过 2. censorship, 检查制度


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