看新闻,学英语(104) 台湾中元节

David Lee
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Taiwanese Ghost Festival


1. grave:墓穴
2. mark:纪念.
3. appease:平息、安抚
4. offerings:祭品
5. Customs:海关

And now for a story from beyond the grave…on to Taiwan for the famous Ghost festival, which marks the middle of Ghost month, a time, once a year, when the spirits are said to come to the human world.

Here in Keelung, preparations are underway for the annual Ghost Festival parade which marks the middle of Ghost Month. At this time ghosts are said to come to the human world and must be appeased with offerings. Keelung City Customs Section Chief Billy Shyu gave us his take on the events.

6. lunar calendar:黄历
7. pay tribute to:致敬
8. participate (in):参加
9. family : 家族, 宗亲
10. civic group:民间团体

[Billy Shyu, Keelung Customs Section Chief]:
“In the middle of the seventh month according to the Chinese lunar calendar, it is held to pay tribute to the spirits of the unknown dead people. It is organized by the Keelung City government and participated by all the families and various civic groups and it has become one of the most important events in this port city in Taiwan.”


11. different aspects:不同方面
12. cause:目标、宗旨
13. strut:昂首阔步
14. stuff:东西、特殊才华
15. decorated float:花车
16. the gate of hell:鬼门

As the parade gets underway, many different groups displaying different aspects of Taiwanese culture and promoting a variety of causes come out to strut their stuff in front of the crowd.

[Billy Shyu, Keelung Customs Section Chief]:
“You know I was very touched by the parade, each year we can see different beautifully decorated floats, joining the parade and I think it is very meaningful to celebrate this festival.”

Festivities continue until the gates of hell are closed at the end of the month. 节庆活动会持续到七月底鬼门关闭的时侯。

a href= > http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=156&a=4480

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