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阐明会议主要议题(Staring a presentation gracefully)

这时主持人可从独特的观点(unusual angle)简述演讲的内容。

o Let’s start by looking at this agreement.
= We are here today to look at this agreement.

o Why don’t we first go over the contract?

o Before I begin, I would just like to mention that our department has achieved our sales quota this month.

o First I’d like to say a few words about this research proposal.

o Today, I shall be dealing with the final arrangement of this joint venture.
= Our main goal today is to deal with the final arrangement of this joint venture.

o I’m here to tell you about the full contents of marketing strategy.
= I have called this meeting in order to tell you about the full contents of marketing strategy.

o I plan to say a few words about this report.

o I’m going to talk about the corporate social responsibility today.

o The subject of my talk is the sustainable development of an enterprise.
= The theme of my presentation is the sustainable development of an enterprise.
= The topic of my speech is the sustainable development of an enterprise.
= The field of my lecture is the sustainable development of an enterprise.

o I would like to give you an overview of international business.

o I’ve divided my talk into three parts.
= My talk will be in three sections.


agreement (n):协议、同意
New Zealand’s prime minister will sign a groundbreaking free trade agreement with Vietnam.

joint venture (ph.):合资企业、创投公司
A joint venture (often abbreviated JV) is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together.

corporate social responsibility (ph.):企业社会责任
Company should align corporate social responsibility strategy to business objectives.

talk = presentation = lecture = speech:演讲、演说

deal with (ph.) 处理、应付
This little girl has learnt to deal with all kinds of complicated situations.
The article deals with an important concept.


o My talk will take about twenty minutes.

o The presentation will take about two and half hours, but there will be a twenty minute coffee break in the middle.

o We’ll stop for lunch at 12 o’clock.


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