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2006公投複決新憲? 美國關切

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國務院發言人包潤石今天在例行簡報中被問到,陳總統打算在2006年公投複決台灣新憲法,美國對此是否有所關切.包潤石表示,美國的主要目的是維持台海的穩定,反對任何可能改變台海現狀的做法。國務院發言人包潤石:Our primary interest is in maintaining stabilityacross the Taiwan Strait, and the United States isopposed to any unilateral steps that would change thestatus quo. We are opposed to any referendum thatwould change Taiwans status or move towardsindependence.

包潤石也陳述了陳總統在就職演說中所提的四不一沒有,並表示美國對陳總統的宣示給予高度重視和肯定:The pledge included that he would not declareindependence,not change the name of Taiwansgovernment, not to add the state-to-state theory tothe constitution, and not to promote a referendumtochange the status quo on independence orunification. We appreciate President Chens pledge andhis subsequent reaffirmations of it. We take thosereaffirmations and that pledge very seriously,particularly as they apply to this referendum on a newconstitution.

