
Chia-Chin Ho, David Lee
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Various Christmas Celebrations for 2009

1. festive :adj. 喜慶的、歡樂的
2. don :v. 戴上
3. carol :n. 聖誕歌
4. wintry:adj. 冬天的、寒冷的
5. clime :n. 氣候區
6. elf:n. 小精靈
7. outfit:n. 全套服裝、裝束
8. Iraq:n. 伊拉克
9. bittersweet: adj. 苦樂參半的
10. Baghdad:n. 巴格達,伊拉克首都
11. Scrooge:n. 吝嗇鬼(狄更斯Christmas Carol中的人物)
12. yuletide:n.耶誕季節

Christmas is — as the song goes — the “most wonderful time of the year.”

People all around the world get into a festive mood, donning hats and singing carols to spread some Christmas cheer.

Many Europeans try and escape the cold wintry weather and often head for warmer climes.

These travellers in Australia have traded in their traditional white Christmas, for a bit of white sand.

[Georgie Knul, British Traveler]:
“Yeah, this is really amazing this is really unique, we’ve come all the way from the UK, England and Scotland and we’ve never done anything like this before. I’m on Bondi Beach in an elf outfit, it’s incredible.”
[Georgie Knul, 英國籍旅客]:

It seems that they were not alone.

Even Santa boarded a plane from freezing Finland to visit China.

He was amazed by what he saw.

[Santa Claus, Who Travelled from Finland]:
“At first it was a little bit surprising for me because I found so much Christmas decorations all over, and you could see Christmas trees and lights and everything, everywhere. I thought here you don’t see Christmas in so many places, but it was a surprise for me.”
[遠從芬蘭來的聖誕老公公 ]:

But celebrations in Iraq were more bittersweet.

As U.S. soldiers attended Christmas mass in Baghdad, most wished they could be home.

[Alice Robin, U.S. Soldier]:
“My wish for the new year is to go home and see my family, I miss them a lot .. of course I want to go home.”
[Alice Robin, 美國大兵]:

But it looks like there’s no room for Scrooge here as despite their situation, the soldiers still haven’t lost their yuletide spirit.


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