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男子勇武 苏格兰短裙飞扬的高地运动会

在Inverary高地运动会上,男摔跤选手赤着上身,但下身却穿着代表自己家族图案的褶襇短裙(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

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在高地运动会上, 苏格兰男子通常会穿着自己的民族传统服饰——英国叫做基尔特(Kilt)的苏格兰裙进行各项运动。 在苏格兰人看来,苏格兰裙不仅是他们爱穿的民族服装,还是苏格兰民族文化的象征。

传统上,不同宗族成员穿着不同图案格子花呢的苏格兰裙, 17~18世纪时,苏格兰高原部落之间的战争终年不休,混战中的士兵,就是以制服上的格子图案来辨认敌我。这缘自早期苏格兰人的生活方式,织布匠利用当地的植物制作染料,因此决定了不同地区,出产不同色调的格子花呢。


INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Torquhil Campbell, the 13th Duke of Argyll, attends the Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
7月18日,Argyll第13世公爵Torquhil Campbell参加苏格兰Inverarary高地运动会。( Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Wrestlers compete at Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
除了苏格兰之外,别的地方看不到的摔跤。在Inverary高地运动会上,男摔跤选手赤着上身,但下身却穿着代表自己家族图案的褶襇短裙(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Wrestlers compete at Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
除了苏格兰之外,别的地方看不到的摔跤。在Inverary高地运动会上,男摔跤选手赤着上身,但下身却穿着代表自己家族图案的褶襇短裙(Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Wrestlers compete at Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
传统的男子苏格兰短裙的穿法是不穿内裤的,但在这么激烈较量的运动场上, 还是穿内裤才是明智之举。 ( Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Heavy weight competitors take part in the World Caber Tossing competition at Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
这大木头真的很重啊. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Heavy weight competitors take part in the World Caber Tossing competition at Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
掷木桩的“大力水手”今天吃菠菜了没有?(Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
INVERARAY, SCOTLAND - JULY 18: Heavy weight competitors take part in the World Caber Tossing competition at Inveraray Highland Games on July 18, 2017 in Inverarary, Scotland. The Games celebrate Scottish culture and heritage with field and track events, piping, highland dancing competitions and heavy events including the world championships for tossing the caber. (Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
穿着苏格兰裙的男子,就是很Man !(Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

责任编辑: 李景行
