国会议员安娜:衡量国家好坏 看是否善待人民



【大纪元3月7日讯】80多位美国国会议员2月21日联名致信中国驻美大使杨洁篪,要求中共立即释放被非法拘押在中国扬州拘留所的美国公民查尔斯李(李祥春)。这次联署签名呼吁活动由美国国会加州众议员安娜 G.艾舒(Anna G. Eshoo)在2月初发起,不到两周,超过八十位美国国会议签名支持该倡议。新唐人电视2月20日采访了国会议员安娜.艾舒。安娜议员强调中国政府应该无条件释放李祥春﹐并指出衡量一个国家是否伟大的最重要标准就是这个国家的政府是否善待它的人民。以下为访谈实录。

















An Interview with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo:

Q: Can you tell us about the Dear Colleague Letter?
Eshoo: I invited my colleagues to join with me in sending a letter to the Chinese Ambassador in America, our very strong objection to what’s happening to Dr. Li. I am overwhelmed by the support generated with the member of the congress. 83 member of the House, on bipartisan basis, both republicans and democrats, signed the letter that we are now sending to the Chinese Ambassador urging him to do everything he can to see to it to Dr. Li to be released and be allowed to return to America. He is a US citizen, he resides in Menlo Park, and he is my constituent. I think with securing 83 other members of Congress to sign on means he has many friends in the Congress to speak on his behalf. I’m very proud of that. I also think it presents a very full and noticeable case to the Chinese government that we are watching and that we insist on his release.

Q: What will happen with the letter?
Eshoo: It’ll go directly to the Chinese Ambassador. The letter serves more than on purpose. It means that many members of Congress now have weighed in, not just Anna Eshoo, that we are watching and this is of high importance to us, that we will stay on this case of this American citizen who we believe have been falsely charged, and what he faces is 15 years imprisonment. So we do not believe there is evidence against Dr. Li that warrants anything much less a 15-year prison sentence. We are going to continue to stand next to Dr. Li, he is an American citizen and we insist his safe return.

Q: Have you contacted Chinese government?
Eshoo: I have contacted Chinese government many times. It centers in and around American citizens and how they have been treated by the Chinese government on many fronts, certainly in terms of human rights, over and over again. On this case Dr. Li, as has been the cases with others, that members of Falun Gong their beliefs, their practices, that we do not believe in this great democracy where people can express themselves their belief, their practices, that warrants the utmost, in terms of a government being punitive. I think the Chinese government should be looking for ways for their acceptance, their broad acceptance in the world community. So they have the opportunity to write the wrong they have imposed on Dr. Li. That’s what it is about and we’ll stay on it.

Q: Have you contacted US State Department?
Eshoo: We haven’t heard back from State Department. We have kept the State Department informed of our efforts. Certainly a letter signed by 84 members of Congress will more get their attention, as should the Chinese government. This is all about freeing Dr, Li, releasing him and allowing him to come back to the U.S., and we do not for one moment agree with the charges have been brought against him and this extraordinary penalty that is hanging over his head. He is imprisoned now, he is held. So we want to see his swift release and his return to the US.

Q: It is said that the US Consulate in China can only visit Dr. Charles Li for 30 minutes per month. What do you think of that?
Eshoo: It is not becoming the Chinese government treat anyone right. I think there is recognition on that. That’s very unusual that 84 members signed onto a letter. Sometimes there are 4, sometimes there are 2, maybe 8 or 9. 84 members of congress is a very clear signal to the Chinese government in this case about Dr. Li. I am proud of leading the effort. But it becomes an even more important effort when so many congress members say, “we care as well, and we insist that Dr. Li is released.” So I am going to remain positive that the Chinese government will do the right thing. They have done the wrong thing with Dr. Li, as they have with others. But they have the opportunity to make the situation right to release him and allow him to return to US with his full citizen of our great country.

Q: When we interviewed Falun Gong practitioners early, they expressed concerns of the very short visit by US officials. They worry about what will happen during the rest of the 30 days when Dr. Charles Li was not in contact with anyone. The Chinese government could make up charges and evidences.
Eshoo: In my view, the Chinese government has reached the conclusion that they wanted to reach. I don’t think they are in the process of thinking about it. They have already leveled charges that we found to be inappropriate and not correct, and they are keeping him imprisoned before they take him to a trial where they have already made up their minds where he will certainly be imprisonment for at least 15 years. This is not a fair process. Of course there should be cause of concerns about why he is being held, what the charges have been brought against him, about the steps the Chinese government has already taken. These are all grieve concerns, that’s why 84 members of congress say that’s not right. Release him.

Q: What do you think US government can do to gain the release of Dr. Li?
Eshoo: I think where we are and what we are doing is right thing to do. So every tool at our disposal needs to be brought there, we need to speak up, we need to do it in multitude voices, not just a few, we need to continue to apply the pressure on the government, very respectfully but very firmly. We will stay on this, we will watch and we will not be satisfied until Dr. Li is released. That’s what we should do, what we are doing and must continue to do.

Q: What’s the next step?
Eshoo: The next step is the Chinese government must do. They have to respond to a letter from 84 congress members. The ball is as we say in their court. We will wait for their response and then analyze what they say to us. The swiftest and most welcomed response is in their announcement that they will release Dr. Li. So we’ll anxiously wait for their responses.

Q: The Chinese government has been persecuting Falun Gong practice for over three years, and now they are arresting U.S. citizen for practicing Falun Gong. What do you think of this?
Eshoo: There have been handful cases over the last few years relating to Falun Gong practitioners who are U.S. citizens that have been arrested and held by the Chinese government. Every time I’ve weighed in and I think in every case we have been successful. But the larger part of this is, these are all very important. Each case is important because each case is human being, and what we have to stay on is being instructive to the Chinese government that if in fact you want to be a great nation, the way you come to greatness is how you treat your own people. Those are the principles of our democracy, and the greatest export that we have as a country is democracy. That’s why we stand up. That why we object not only to the Chinese government, but also to other government in the world. The greatest measure of the greatness of a nation is how it treats its people. That’s why I think it’s important.
