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Sarah Palin Halloween Costumes

本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=258&a=5539(可线上观看)


1.Halloween: n. 万圣节(每年10/31)
2.costume: n. 戏服、节庆用服装
3.to keep up with: v.phr. 以赶上
4.outfit: n. 套装
5.polls: 民调、选举
6.rubber: n. 橡胶
7.mask: 面具
8.enormous: adj. 巨大的
9.running mate: 竞选伙伴 
10.available: adj. 可取得的
11.wig: n. 假发
12.to place order: v. phr. 下订单

Anchor: It’s just over a week until Halloween, and costume stores in the United States are struggling to keep up with demand…for Sarah Palin outfits. Let’s take a look.

STORY: Political costumes have proved hugely popular this year, as American voters prepare to head to the polls on November 4.

While rubber masks featuring Republican John McCain and Democrats Senator Barack Obama have been selling extremely well, there’s been enormous demand for McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin costumes.

Available styles include a Palin wig and glasses, as well as a ‘Hot Hunter’ and ‘Miss Alaska’ outfit.

Ricky’s NYC costume store manager Jason Sandlofer says customers can’t get enough of the Alaskan Governor, and that he’s been forced to place new orders every week.

13. phenomenal: adj. 惊人的
14. to date: phr. 到现在; 至今
15. target: n. 目标、对象
16. outsell: v. 卖得比…多
17. Democrats: n. 民主党人
18. presidential candidate: n. 总统侯选人
19. be far from: phr. 差得远

[Jason Sandlofer, Store Manager]:
“It’s been phenomenal, we’re selling out like crazy. It’s been one of our best selling costumes to date.”

Shopping for her Halloween outfit, customer Dianne Avery says Palin is an easy target.

[Dianne Avery, Customer]:
“I think she has a particular look and it’s easy to copy. She also has some opinions that a lot of people don’t agree with.”

Costume stores reported that when it came to sales of Barack Obama and John McCain masks, there was greater interest in the Democrats presidential candidate.

So, are political mask sales an indicator of how Americans will vote?

[Jason Sandlofer, Store Manager]: “Obama to McCain right now, Obama is outselling McCain. But Sarah Palin’s taken the cake.”

The method may be far from scientific, but at least it’s a bit of fun.


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