組圖:全球各地超級月亮 美得令人窒息

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NASA表示,一直到2034年的11月25日之前,都不會再有這麼接近地球的滿月了。圖為哈薩克斯坦火箭發射時拍攝到的超級月亮。( Bill Ingalls/NASA via Getty Images)
NASA表示,一直到2034年的11月25日之前,都不會再有這麼接近地球的滿月了。圖為哈薩克斯坦火箭發射時拍攝到的超級月亮。( Bill Ingalls/NASA via Getty Images)
A supermoon rises over Sevilla on November 14, 2016. The phenomenon happens when the moon is full at the same time as, or very near, perigee -- its closest point to Earth on an elliptical, monthly orbit. It was the closest to Earth since 1948 at a distance of 356,509 kilometres (221,524 miles), creating what NASA described as "an extra-supermoon". / AFP / CRISTINA QUICLER (Photo credit should read CRISTINA QUICLER/AFP/Getty Images)
塞維利亞上空的超級月亮。(CRISTINA QUICLER/AFP/Getty Images)
BERLIN, GERMANY - NOVEMBER 14: The statue of Victoria stands on the Victory Column as the so-called "super moon" is visible behind on November 14, 2016 in Munich, Germany. The "super moon" is a full moon that is at its closest in its elliptical orbit around the Earth, a confluence that last occurred 70 years ago. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
德國慕尼黑上空的超級月亮。(Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
The supermoon rises above the Old Town square, on November 14, 2016 in Prague. The unusually big and bright moon appeared at its most impressive as night fell over Asia, but astronomy enthusiasts will be able to see Earth's satellite loom large anywhere in the world shortly after sunset. / AFP / Michal Cizek (Photo credit should read MICHAL CIZEK/AFP/Getty Images)
布拉格上空的超級月亮。 (MICHAL CIZEK/AFP/Getty Images)
DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - NOVEMBER 14: A 'supermoon' is pictured rising over the desert in Dubai on November 14, 2016 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. A Supermoon occurs when the perigee (closest approach by the Moon to Earth) coincides with it being full (completely illuminated by the Sun). This time it will appear 7% larger and 15% brighter than normal. Although the next Supermoon will occur next month, the moon won't be this close to Earth again until November 2034. (Photo by Tom Dulat/Getty Images)
迪拜上空的超級月亮。(Tom Dulat/Getty Images)
The "supermoon" rises behind a tree in Vertou, western France, on November 14, 2016. Skygazers took to high-rise buildings, observatories and beaches to get a glimpse of the closest "supermoon" to Earth in almost seven decades. / AFP / LOIC VENANCE (Photo credit should read LOIC VENANCE/AFP/Getty Images)
法國上空的超級月亮。(LOIC VENANCE/AFP/Getty Images)
The "supermoon" rises over Swe Taw Myat Pagoda in Yangon on November 14, 2016 as Myanmar celebrates Tazaungdine festival, a mainly religious celebration coinciding with the appearance of super full moon. Skygazers headed to high-rise buildings, ancient forts and beaches on November 14 to witness the closest "supermoon" to Earth in almost seven decades, hoping for dramatic photos and spectacular surf. The moon will be the closest to Earth since 1948 at a distance of 356,509 kilometres (221,524 miles), creating what NASA described as "an extra-supermoon". / AFP / ROMEO GACAD (Photo credit should read ROMEO GACAD/AFP/Getty Images)
緬甸上空的超級月亮。(ROMEO GACAD/AFP/Getty Images)
People watch the supermoon rising in Dar es Salaam on November 14, 2016. The moon will be the closest to Earth since 1948 at a distance of 356,509 kilometres (221,524 miles), creating what NASA described as "an extra-supermoon". / AFP / DANIEL HAYDUK (Photo credit should read DANIEL HAYDUK/AFP/Getty Images)
坦桑尼亞上空的超級月亮。(DANIEL HAYDUK/AFP/Getty Images)
The 'Supermoon' rises above the Ancient Acropolis hill in Athens on November 14, 2016. The moon will be the closest to Earth since 1948 at a distance of 356,509 kilometres (221,524 miles), creating what NASA described as "an extra-supermoon". / AFP / LOUISA GOULIAMAKI (Photo credit should read LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images)
雅典上空的超級月亮。(LOUISA GOULIAMAKI/AFP/Getty Images)
A picture taken on November 14, 2016, shows a "supermoon" rising behind the Milad telecommunications tower in the Iranian capital Tehran. The phenomenon happens when the moon is full at the same time as, or very near, perigee -- its closest point to Earth on an elliptical, monthly orbit. It was the closest to Earth since 1948 at a distance of 356,509 kilometres (221,524 miles), creating what NASA described as "an extra-supermoon". / AFP / ATTA KENARE (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images)
伊朗上空的超級月亮。(ATTA KENARE/AFP/Getty Images)
REDONDO BEACH, CA - NOVEMBER 14: The moon sets behind people fishing on a pier during its closest orbit to the Earth since 1948 on November 14, 2016 in Redondo Beach, California. The so-called supermoon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter as it comes about 22,000 miles closer to the Earth than average, though to the casual observer, the increase appears slight. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
加州上空的超級月亮。(David McNew/Getty Images)
REDONDO BEACH, CA - NOVEMBER 14: Surf breaks as the moon makes its closest orbit to the Earth since 1948 on November 14, 2016 in Redondo Beach, California. The so-called supermoon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter as it comes about 22,000 miles closer to the Earth than average, though to the casual observer, the increase appears slight. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
加州上空的超級月亮。(David McNew/Getty Images)
VENICE BEACH, CA - NOVEMBER 14: The moon sets during its closest orbit to the Earth since 1948 on November 14, 2016 in Venice Beach, California. The so-called Supermoon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter as it comes about 22,000 miles closer to the Earth than average, though to the casual observer, the increase appears slight. (Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images)
加州上空的超級月亮。(Christopher Polk/Getty Images)
REDONDO BEACH, CA - NOVEMBER 14: The moon sets behind people fishing on a pier during its closest orbit to the Earth since 1948 on November 14, 2016 in Redondo Beach, California. The so-called supermoon appears up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter as it comes about 22,000 miles closer to the Earth than average, though to the casual observer, the increase appears slight. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
加州海邊上空的超級月亮。(David McNew/Getty Images)
NASA表示,一直到2034年的11月25日之前,都不會再有這麼接近地球的滿月了。(Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)
NASA表示,一直到2034年的11月25日之前,都不會再有這麼接近地球的滿月了。澳大利亞上空的超級月亮。(Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)


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