組圖:人類工程奇蹟 全球最長鐵路隧道開通

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【大紀元2016年06月01日訊】6月1日(週三),經過近20年的施工,瑞士聖哥達基線(Gotthard Base Tunnel)隧道正式全線通車。聖哥達基線隧道是全球最長、最深的鐵路隧道,橫貫阿爾卑斯山。開通當日德國、法國、意大利首腦來到隧道參加慶典,認為這項工程奇蹟代表歐洲的團結。


Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann (R) shakes hands with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, the world's longest railway tunnel in the world, at the fairground Rynaecht at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1.The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / POOL / PETER KLAUNZER (Photo credit should read PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
6月1日隧道開通慶典,意大利總理馬泰奥·倫齊(左)與瑞士联邦主席約翰·施奈德 – 阿曼(右)握手。(PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann (R) speaks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, the world's longest railway tunnel in the world, at the fairground Rynaecht at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1.The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / POOL / PETER KLAUNZER (Photo credit should read PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
6月1日隧道開通慶典,德國總理默克爾(左)與瑞士联邦主席约翰·施奈德 – 阿曼(右)在一起。(PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann (R) shakes hands with French President Francois Hollande on the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, the world's longest railway tunnel in the world, at the fairground Rynaecht at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1.The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / POOL / PETER KLAUNZER (Photo credit should read PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
6月1日隧道開通慶典,法國總統奧朗德(左)與瑞士联邦主席约翰·施奈德 – 阿曼(右)握手。(PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of of the Gotthard rail tunnel, the longest rail tunnel in the world, in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1.The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
6月1日隧道開通慶典,瑞士聯邦主席約翰·施奈德 – 阿曼(右)講話。 (FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
Swiss Federal President Johann Schneider-Ammann speaks on the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, the longest rail tunnel in the world, in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1. The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / POOL / PETER KLAUNZER (Photo credit should read PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
6月1日隧道開通慶典,瑞士聯邦主席約翰·施奈德 – 阿曼(右)講話。 (FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
People perform on the old Gotthard diligence during the opening show directed by German director Volker Hesse, on the opening day of the Gotthard rail tunnel, the longest rail tunnel in the world, at the fairground Rynaecht at the northern portal in Erstfeld, Switzerland, on June 1, 2016. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1. The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / POOL / PETER KLAUNZER (Photo credit should read PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
6月1日隧道開通慶典,演員在表演節目。(PETER KLAUNZER/AFP/Getty Images)
An Italian train makes its way at the north entrance of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel the world's longest train tunnel on the eve of its opening ceremony on May 31, 2016 in Erstfeld. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1.The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
全長57公里的瑞士聖哥達基線(Gotthard Base Tunnel)隧道正式全線通車。(FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
A train makes its way at the north entrance of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel the world's longest train tunnel on the eve of its opening ceremony on May 31, 2016 in Erstfeld. The new Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is set to become the world's longest railway tunnel when it opens on June 1.The 57-kilometre (35.4-mile) tunnel, which runs under the Alps, was first conceived in sketch-form in 1947 but construction began 17 years ago. / AFP / FABRICE COFFRINI (Photo credit should read FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)
全長57公里的瑞士聖哥達基線(Gotthard Base Tunnel)隧道正式全線通車。(FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images)


根據英國《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,這條鐵路隧道還將成為「萊因阿爾卑斯走廊」的中心樞紐,取道德國的工業心臟地帶,北連荷蘭的鹿特丹港(Rotterdam)和安特衛普(Antwerp),南接意大利的熱內亞港(Genoa)。


為了修建這條世界第一隧道,工人們挖出3100萬噸岩石,足以打造5個埃及大金字塔。新的隧道鐵路線最深處為2300米,經過處最熱的岩石溫度達46攝氏度。巖土工程師、英國《地面工程》雜誌編輯克萊爾•史密斯(Claire Smith)稱之為「巨大的成就」。


聖哥達基線隧道在開始建造的時候頗受爭議, 但瑞士選民在1990年代進行了一系列有約束力的公投力排眾議,支持這項龐大的鐵路工程。#



為進英國 3500名非法移民衝擊海峽隧道
摸黑穿越海峽隧道 蘇丹男「走進」英國
世界第一隧道將通車 17分鐘穿越阿爾卑斯山