讀者來信:寫信給議員 支持新唐人



讀貴報5 月19日文章“新唐人緊要關頭,急需各界強力支持”後,我覺得自己作為一個海外華人,有義務為自己和國內的同胞的權力和福利為新唐人呼籲。我和一些其他我認識的新唐人觀眾一起聯名寫信給我們的參議員,呼籲他在參議員Brownback 發起的給布殊總統的信中簽名,聲援新唐人取得長期,穩定和不鎖碼的對中國自由衛星播出。



您好。我們是一群在美國的中國人。我們是新唐人的觀眾,非常關心新唐人繼續向中國播出的問題。我們希望您能在參議員Brownback 發起的給布殊總統的信中簽名,聲援新唐人取得長期,穩定和不鎖碼的對中國自由衛星播出。我們希望在中國的同胞也可以享有新唐人電視帶給我們的好處。而且,在中國的13億人能夠接觸到自由資訊也是美國國家安全的一個重要元素。

在2004年5 月份, 新唐人在歐洲衛星公司的W5衛星上開通了對中國大陸的不鎖碼自由播出。在一年後,歐衛決定不給新唐人續約,而且在幾乎同時,和中國方面簽署了“歷史性的合作夥伴”條約。這個中國國營衛星通訊公司恰恰和給歐衛施壓,讓其中斷新唐人信號的是一家。在國際上眾多的支持下,歐衛又同意重新和新唐人談判。但是5 月21日的截止日期馬上就到了,我們還沒有看到或者聽到任何跡象新唐人能有一個長期,穩定和不鎖碼的對中國自由衛星播出的條約。這件事的大事記在新唐人的網頁上有:http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/eng/press/NTDTimeline.htm


• 六四真象,並且提供了中國民主人士和華人交流通訊的平臺
• 在中共宣傳最終承認SARS幾周前就報導了SARS真象
• 對反23條的活動報導極大地幫助了向港人捍衛自己的自由
• 對迫害法輪功,基督徒和其他人權迫害的報導
• 現場直播美國總統大選辯論並提供即時翻譯
• 播放“九評共產黨”紀錄片,還原被中共扭曲的中國近代史








RE: URGENT SIGN ON LETTER: Support Press Freedom to China

Dear Senator:

We are a group of Chinese Americans and NTDTV viewers who are very concerned about the issue of whether New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) can continue its satellite transmission to China. We are writing to ask you to sign on to Senator Brownback’s letter in support of an Open Satellite Window for China today. The co-sign time window closes end of business day Friday, May 20, 2005. We want our fellow Chinese in Mainland China to enjoy the same benefit we have from NTDTV. In addition, access to free flow of information for people in Mainland China is an essential element of U.S. national security.

In May 2004, NTDTV opened a free information window to China via satellite transmission on Eutelsat’s W5 satellite. After working with NTDTV for a year, Eutelsat decided not to renew the contract with NTDTV after signing a “historic partnership” with the same Chinese government agency that pressured Eutelsat to drop NTDTV transmission. Due to tremendous support from the U.S. Congressmen, European Parliament members, viewers in Mainland China and media organizations, Eutelsat agreed to re-start negotiation. However, the deadline of May 21 is approaching. We haven’t seen any signs of long-term contract between Eutelsat and NTDTV. The timeline of the issue is available at NTDTV’s website: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/eng/press/NTDTimeline.htm

NTDTV is so far the only truly independent Chinese-language Television. Since its inception in 2002, it has achieved quite a few milestones in terms of enriching life of Chinese Americans and other Chinese all over the world: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/eng/aAboutXTR_e.htm#NTD_Miletones
“X truth of June 4th, 1989 Tiananmen Massacre that provided a platform for Chinese pro-democratic leaders to communicate with Chinese,
“X SARS reports that alerted us several weeks before the Chinese propaganda admitted that it was not atypical pneumonia,
“X anti-subversion law coverage that helped Hong Kong people safeguard their freedom,
“X reports about persecution of Falun Gong, Christians and other human rights violations,
“X live broadcast of U.S. presidential debates with real-time translation,
“X recent narration and documentary versions of “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” that restored Chinese contemporary history distorted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for the sake of mind control.

After all these years, we were very encouraged to see finally a responsible Chinese-language media that actually plays the role of monitoring government and society and informing the mass independent of the Party line.

We know China Central Television (CCTV) is everywhere in the U.S.: on satellite, cable and even free government channels running illegal advertisements. Prior to NTDTV, CCTV has been dominating Chinese-language television market and exporting Chinese Communist Party propaganda. During the SARS period, it repeated the lies that it was safe to travel to China for tourism and business. During the June 4th and its anniversaries, it repeated lies that no students died on Tiananmen Square, and rioters manipulated students in order to overthrow the central government. Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong started, it repeated the lies of self-immolation and Falun Gong practitioners’ “killing family members.” Throughout the years, it has misled the Chinese-speaking community on the human rights situations in China, anti-China forces in the world, and American Imperialism.

We are tired of CCP propaganda, but we hardly see any alternative programming surviving. On the contrary, we see many other Chinese-language media directly or indirectly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. (Please refer to Jamestown Foundation research article for details: http://www.jamestown.org/print_friendly.php?volume_id=17&issue_id=638&article

Upon the recent waves of many Chinese renouncing their membership of Chinese Communist Party, the CCP is forcing a lot of our relatives and friends to re-read their vows when they joined the CCP: to struggle for the CCP for the rest of their lives. Nobody likes it. They are quite encouraged when we tell them NTDTV reports about overseas Chinese rallies and parades in support of those who have renounced their CCP memberships. The CCP is disintegrating, as it has lost the mandate of the heaven and the heart of people. At this point, it’s important that you stand by Chinese people for this historical development.

We urge you to sign on to Senator Brownback’s letter today urging President Bush to support NTDTV open satellite transmission to China. For further information: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/eng/eutelsat/what_happened.htm

Thank you for your attention.



